Rosemary's Double Delight

Rosemary's Double Delight by Heather Rainier Page A

Book: Rosemary's Double Delight by Heather Rainier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Rainier
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Western
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    Skinny-dipping is sure going to be fun!” She laughed out loud when they rolled their eyes and groaned.


Chapter Five
    Rosemary was willing to admit it was morbid curiosity, balanced with a huge portion of mistrust, that had her sneaking out to the workshop in the afternoon of the following day. Not mistrust in her men, but in the woman who belonged to the disembodied voice she’d just heard. Though she was pretty sure she didn’t know the owner of that voice, she definitely recognized the sexy, dulcet tone as the woman walked past the house on the other side of the privacy fence from Rosemary. That was the sound of a woman on the prowl.
    Rosemary was currently up to her elbows in landscaping mix, fortifying the soil in the empty flowerbeds that lined the back veranda before planting Mexican heather. Wes had mentioned to her earlier that morning that they were expecting a visit from a supplier in San Antonio. Evidently, the account representative was a woman who’d visited with Rosemary’s men on more than one occasion, judging by her familiar tone.
    Rosemary frowned and took notice when the woman dropped a not-so-thinly-veiled innuendo after Evan mentioned that Wes was tied up in the workshop. Rosemary heard a seductive laugh and a comment concerning what she’d do if she had either of them tied up in the shop. The Mexican heather could wait a few minutes.
    For Evan’s part, it seemed that he ignored the comment.
    Rosemary slipped to the fence and peeked through the slats. She watched as the woman stroked Evan’s arm as they walked along talking. Evan’s hands were down in his pockets, and he did not look at the woman but sidled a few inches farther away as he walked with her to the shop. Rosemary smiled at his subtle reaction.

    The woman didn’t seem to notice and kept on talking. If this was a business contact, Rosemary wouldn’t want them to brush her off too brusquely unless she was more overt once she got in the shop, behind closed doors. Rosemary dealt with her fair share of friendly suppliers and account representatives working at Cheaver’s. They were a mixed lot. Some were super friendly and helpful professionals, and then there were some for whom the job was a chance to socialize and network, sometimes taking the contact further than necessary.
    Evan and the woman disappeared through the wide double doors of the workshop a moment before Rosemary quietly raised the latch on the side gate of the privacy fence and slipped through. She convinced herself she had a right to know how the men handled someone like this because she was sure this was not the only female account rep they had to deal with. Stopping beneath one of the opened windows on the side of the shop, she leaned against the exterior wall and listened to the woman make her pitch.
    Rosemary had only gotten a small glimpse of her through the fence, but it was enough to know that the woman was a statuesque blonde, dressed in a red pencil skirt that stopped at the knees and a snug, white knit top and tall, metallic heels. She was everything that Rosemary was not, dressed as she was in her gray yoga pants, thin, pink tank top, and wild ponytail.
    The woman, whose name turned out to be Davina, covered all the pleasantries with Wes as he finished varnishing a table top. Wes and Evan discussed what they’d need from her employer and took care of business before Davina gradually dropped into a more flirtatious mode of conversation. It was obvious she found both men attractive and, in irritation, Rosemary missed some of what Davina said because she dropped her voice down to a lower, sexier pitch.
    “Are you coming to the trade show and convention on the Riverwalk this fall?” Davina asked, her voice sounding as if she were moving around the shop.


    Rosemary detected the barest hint of irritation in Wes’s voice. It sounded like he was still working on the tabletop. “I don’t know, Davina. It depends on how busy we

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