Roses & Thorns
next instant Terrance had s u nk his fangs into my mom's neck and began to drink. I covered my mouth to hold in my scream and immediately look ed away .
    When he was done, which only took a minute or so, he laid Mom back on the chaise like last time, but instead of her getting up to gather her things, she just lay there instead. I started to panic and ran towards them . "What did you do? You said you wouldn't hurt her."
    "I didn't hurt her. I just used my sedative to make her sleep for a little while so we could finish our conversation. I thought you might have some more questions."
    "Oh, okay." He was right. I did have a lot more questions. The f irst of them being , why did my mom think she knew him ?
    "The first time I fed on her , I used my sedative to make her think I was one of her swim students. Since I don't have to breath e underwater , I sometimes submerge us in case anyone walks by . I'm able to control the flow of blood with my sedative so there's no mess, and if anyone see us while we're underwater, I'll have time to stop feeding and make it l ook like we were just doing some underwater training . And before you freak out, I always make sure she's never under too long."
    " Freak out " was an understatement.
    Terrance spent the next half hour talking me out of a panic by explaining a few specifics that came with being a vampire. Like how the puncture wounds close because of their sedative . A pparently it is "programmable" and can not only be used for memory stuff, but for pleasure and healing as well.  H e also explained how vampires didn't burn in the sun, but fell into a deep sleep at its rising instead , along with a lot of other interesting facts .
    When Mom started to wake, Terrance said goodbye and asked if I'd like to meet again tomorrow . After pondering if I should come just to watch over Mom, since apparently she was his donor of choice, I decided that I ne eded some time to process everything and told him t hat I'd meet him again in a couple of days. At this point, I felt confident that he wouldn't hurt her because h e had said that her blood tasted better than any thing he'd ever tasted before. While that k ind of creeped me out at first, I quickly noticed how gentle he was with her , and since s he seemed fine after his feeding, I felt confident taking this time for myself. Besides, I had a date with Christian tomorrow night.

* * * * *
    ( Rose )
    I t suddenly became a habit to keep a close eye on Mom, and to make sure she didn't show any negative signs from Ter rance's feeding s . But she always seemed perfectly fine . She went about her day s as usual, and I d ecided that I could do no less.
    S chool was normal, but I just could n't seem to focus . Gee, I wonder why?
    I kept thinking about everything that Terrance had told me , and yet how normal of a person he seemed to be. It was so hard to wrap my head around th e fact that he was a honest to g od vampire. Cringing, I wondered if I'd be struck down for using those two wo rds in the same sentence .
    As soon as the final bell of the day rang, I headed towards the restroom to freshen up before I headed down to Christian's for our "date . " At this point , the dates were more like make out sessions, but trust me–I wasn't complaining. We'd sit in the backseat of his car and talk about anything and everything, but inevitably, we'd end up in each other's arms and believe me when I say, there was no other place I'd rather be.
    A bunch of girls in sportswear and ponyta ils bust ed into the restroom , rousing me out of my love-dazed thoughts . I spotted Jillian amongst the crowd and suddenly felt nervous. Not only did I feel guilty for not spending time with my best friend lately, but also because we never really talked about what had been up with her at the pizza place. I think I just didn't want to know.
    "Hey , Jill. You heading to practice?"
    "Sure thing. What are you up to ? I haven't seen you much

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