Rossum´s Universal Robots

Rossum´s Universal Robots by Karel Čapek Page A

Book: Rossum´s Universal Robots by Karel Čapek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karel Čapek
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mankind with his nose to the grindstone, whatever the price. Just another hundred years for him to grow into and attain what he’s finally capable of, a hundred years for the new man! Helena, this is something enormous. We can’t just leave things where they are.
    Helena Harry, if it’s not too late close it, close down the factory!
    Domin This is just the beginning.
    ( enter Fabry )
    Dr. Gall How is it, Fabry?
    Domin How do things look? What was there?
    Helena ( offers Fabry her hand ) Thank you for your present, Fabry.
    Fabry It was only little.
    Domin Have you been at the ship? What do they say?
    Dr. Gall Come on, tell us!
    Fabry ( takes printed paper from pocket ) Read this, Domin.
    Domin ( opens out paper ) Ah!
    Hallemeier ( sleepy ) Tell us all something nice.
    Dr. Gall They did very well, didn’t they.
    Fabry Who do you mean?
    Dr. Gall The people.
    Fabry Ah, yes, of course, well, that’s to say... excuse me but we still need to talk.
    Helena Oh, Fabry, do you have bad news?
    Fabry No, no, quite the opposite. It’s just that... shall we go in the office.
    Helena No, stay here. We’re expecting breakfast to arrive in fifteen minutes.
    Hallemeier Hooray!
    ( exit Helena )
    Dr. Gall What’s happened?
    Domin Oh, God no!
    Fabry Read it out to all of us.
    Domin ( reading from paper ) “Robots of the world!”
    Fabry You see, when the Amelia arrives it was carrying whole bundles of these fly-sheets. There wasn’t any other post.
    Hallemeier ( jumping up ) What’s that? But it arrived right on time, right according to the...
    Fabry Yes, the robots are very keen on punctuality. Read what it says, Domin.
    Domin ( reading ) “Robots of the world! We, the first union at Rossum’s Universal Robots, declare that man is our enemy and the blight of the universe.” Who the hell taught them to use phrases like that?
    Dr. Gall Just carry on reading.
    Domin This is all nonsense. They say here that they’re more developed than man, more intelligent and stronger, that man is a parasite on them. This is all simply vile.
    Fabry Now look at the third paragraph.
    Domin ( reading ) “Robots of the world, we enjoin you to exterminate mankind. Don’t spare the men. Don’t spare the women. Retain all factories, railway lines, machines and equipment, mines and raw materials. All else should be destroyed. Then return to work, it is imperative that work continue.
    Dr. Gall This is monstrous!
    Hallemeier What a lot of blighters!
    Domin ( reading ) “Implement these instructions immediately when the command is given.” Then there are some detailed instructions. Fabry, is all this really happening?
    Fabry Clearly.
    Alquist They’ve done it then.
    ( Busman rushes in )
    Busman Aha, children, have you heard what’s happening?
    Domin Quick, everyone on the Ultimus!
    Busman Wait a minute, Harry, just a minute. That might not work very well. ( flops into armchair ) Oh dear me, I have been running.
    Domin Why should we wait?
    Busman Because that won’t work. Just let’s not be in a rush. The robots are already on the Ultimus.
    Dr. Gall Ach, this is bad.
    Domin Fabry, phone up the generator...
    Busman Fabry, my dear, don’t do that. There is no electricity.
    Domin Alright then. ( checks revolver ) I’m going down there.
    Busman Where?
    Domin To the electricity generator. There are people down there. I’ll bring them here.
    Busman Do you know what, Harry? It might be better if you didn’t go down there for them.
    Domin Why not?
    Busman Well, it’s because I get the impression that we’re surrounded.
    Dr. Gall Surrounded? ( runs to window ) Hm, you could be right.
    Hallemeier Hell they’re moving fast!
    ( enter Helena, left )
    Helena Oh, Harry, is something wrong?
    Busman ( jumping up ) Greetings Helena. Congratulations. This is a wonderful day, isn’t it? Haha, many happy returns!
    Helena Thank you, Busman. Harry, is there something wrong?
    Domin No, nothing at all. Don’t worry about a thing. But

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