Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough

Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough by Laura Baumbach Page A

Book: Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough by Laura Baumbach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Baumbach
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Gay
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    Giovanni's manicotti."
    James shook the man's hand, surprised at the powerful grip in the stubby fingers. "Hi.
    Pleased to meet you, Mr. Giovanni."
    "Vito, please! You are welcome in my humble restaurant anytime, Mr. Justin." Vito began walking toward the back of the restaurant, gesturing for the two men to follow him. "Come, come. I will have to get Mrs. Giovanni. She will want to know you have finally reappeared in one piece."
    Bram leaned down and whispered conspiratorially in Vito's ear. "I actually had a dream about her sauce last night." He leaned a bit closer. "Sauce everywhere. Very messy, but satisfying."
    Vito jumped back and roared with laughter. His eyes darted back and forth between Bram's unabashed grin and James' embarrassed blush. "We will not tell her that either. It will be our little secret, yes? Just between the men."
    "I think that's wise, Vito. Save us both from some bodily harm." Bram smiled at James.
    He walked closer, and brushed hand over James' hip as they came to a halt in front of a U-shaped booth.
    A Bit of Rough - 35
    Without comment, Vito shoved the table to one side to create a bigger opening for Bram's large frame. Bram nudged James onto the curved bench seat, then slid in close beside him.
    Vito snapped his fingers and a waiter appeared from nearby. He turned back to speak to Bram. "Your usual or would you like the menu for Mr. Justin?"
    "You know what I like, Vito. Make my dream come true." Both men chuckled then Bram touched James' knee under the table. "How about you, Jamie?" Expectant, Vito and Bram both looked at James.
    The warmth from Bram's hand seeped into his leg and distracted him. James felt his heart rate quicken and he had to resist the urge to squirm. It was nice being in a place where the fact he was on a date with another man wasn't an issue, but all the personal attention was unnerving.
    Biting his lower lip, James considered his options. "Well, I like just about anything. Bram trusts you. What do you recommend, Vito?"
    He had apparently hit upon the right answer. Vito beamed and clapped his hands. "I have just the thing. A special dish. You will think you have died and gone to heaven. Be patient."
    Vito addressed the waiter. "A bottle of our best red. You know the one, Angelo." The young man scurried off and Vito excused himself. "Now I must see to things." He bowed and hurried away, leaving the two alone.
    James leaned back into the deep leather of the booth, feeling its butter-smooth texture beneath him. Bram's hand still rested on his knee. It felt good, a gentle reminder he wasn't alone, possessive, but not too much. James liked this mountain of a man more and more with each passing hour.
    Darting a quick look around the room to see who was watching them, James was relieved when all he got was a shy smile from a young woman who happened to look up from her plate at the same moment. He placed a hand over Bram's on his knee and felt his fingers instantly laced between Bram's longer ones.
    "How do you like the place? I usually eat here a lot. The food is fabulous and atmosphere is homey. Vito and his wife are terrific hosts. They always make me feel welcome, like one of the family." A passing waitress smiled and said a bright, "Good evening, Mr.
    Lord." Bram nodded and smiled at her.
    "I think it's a great place." James watched the innocent exchange between Bram and the woman. Her glance lingered and James was surprised when a jolt of jealousy rippled through him. "Friendly." James frowned at the waitress. "Very friendly."
    A Bit of Rough - 36
    Incredulous, Bram squeezed James' hand. "Are you actually jealous?"
    James blushed and tried not to duck his head. He half-heartedly tried to pull his hand away, but Bram refused to let go.
    "That's such a compliment, Jamie." Leaning in closer, Bram lower his voice to just above a whisper. "I'll be sure to take the time to thank you properly later tonight. I may have to thank you several times."
    Now James did squirm, his

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