Berkshire . B ut it does seem perplexing that you and Parker are such good friends and we have lived so close , yet we have never met before , ” Poppy said. “ From my understanding, Berkshire is definitely not very far away. Parker stated that it is only a few hours ride. ”
“P rior to a few years ago, I mainly resided in my family’s London townh ome . That is where Ash and I generally met. A few times on break he stayed with my family at Allingham Park.”
“Oh . Well I suppose that is as good of an explanation as any . Parker did tell me that you often got into scrapes in London . ” She grinned up at him . “Would you care to elaborate? Pa r ker r e fuses to release any details of your escapades.”
“I will defer to Parker’s wisdom and remain silent.” He placed his hand over hers . The intimacy of the act caused Poppy to shiver .
She pouted prettily. “I love London, the excitement and the pace, h owever , nothing compares to being in the country for me.”
Poppy’s eyes closed in pleasure as she took a deep breath . “Smell the air . Y ou will ne v er have this in London. The sweetness of honeysuckle calls to me when the warm winds blow. One of my favorite smells . ” She tugged his arm turning him slightly to the right. “ Do you see the clusters of yellow flowers flushed with purple and red? We have allowed it to grow wild and free at Rosebriar. The fragrance soothes me immensely on a summer evening. I love to sit at my wi n dow at night looking at the stars and smelling the sweetness of summer . ”
“Your enthusiasm pai nts such a delightful picture, L ady Poppy.”
Piper walked silently watching their interaction with a hidden smile. She recognized the look in Poppy’s eyes. S he was attracted to the duke, so much for her matchmaking plans for Chloe and Freya .
Poppy opened her eyes and blushed . “Forgive me.” S he grinned . “ I forget myself som e times. I am told quite often by our companion, Miss Harris, th at I talk entirely too much.” S he shrugged charmingly and u n concerned.
“No apologies necessary.” Declan looked deep into her eyes. “It is quite refreshing to come across an honest response instead of well-rehearsed replies , ” h e stated a genuine smile spreading across his face .
The door opened as if on command by one of the ever-efficient footman. Dobbins bowed, greeting the twins and their new arrival. “Good morning Lady Poppy , Lady Piper . I trust you had a pleasant walk this morning?” Dobbin s g estured , another footman came forward scooping up Georgie and removing him to Poppy’s chamber.
“As always , Dobbins , it was very inspiring .” She gestured towards their guest . “ May I present His Grace , the Duke of Hawksley. He must have gotten lost for he found himself in my ga r den . ” Piper fluttered her hands busily. “ The d uke’s carriage and valet should arrive soon ,” she said w ith a cheerful smile on her face . “Is my brother in the breakfast room at pr e sent?”
“Yes, my l ady ,” Dobbins inclined his head.
“Spendid , thank you, Dobbins .”
“Thank you, my l ady.”
Declan glanced at Dobbins with an inquisitive brow , the casual exchange not the norm between most members of the ton .
Dobbins shrugged with a slight grin, bowing . “ Your G race .”
Declan took a moment to glance around the foyer, admiring the opulence of his friend ’s home. Black and white checked marble tiles covered the entrance. Grand pillars stan d ing as if holding up the heavy ceiling. A large marble fireplace stood off to one side to help ward off the chill when the weather was cooler. Mahogany paneled walls followed down the hall , d ark and masculine. Fo l lowing Poppy, he observed as she pointed out the rooms as they passed.
Poppy pointed gracefully. “On the left is the drawing room. Across the hall is the l i
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