Running To You

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Book: Running To You by DeLaine Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeLaine Roberts
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the chance to experience what I wanted to do and what I didn’t. I saw people that had never had the chance to have preventive medicine and I knew that with newer technologies, we could do a better job of treating diseases.” He took his wine to his lips and took a long, slow sip, never breaking his intense gaze into my eyes. What was he not saying?
    “So you picked breast cancer? I'm curious, I don’t see the connection?”
    “Alexandra, my mom had breast cancer and died from it at an early age when I was still very young, and Zoe carries the Breast Cancer gene. I hope to develop a cure someday or treatment regimen that can expand a patients’ outcome or experience. I learned so much about technology in the military that can be applied to medicine in a different way.”
    “Grayson, my mom died from breast cancer when I was 12. I would give anything to have not experienced that with her and to have her with me today!”
    “Do you know if you carry the gene, Alexandra?”
    “No, I have never been tested, although it has been mentioned to me. But I am just not sure how I feel about it.” I began to drift off in my thoughts for a moment. All this talk about breast cancer and mentioning my mom made me miss her more. I wish she were here with me. There are still so many questions about life that I want to ask her. She would love Grayson, I just know it. The way he cares for people, the way he treats me.
    This was an overwhelming coincidence for both of us! We were just staring at each other waiting for the other to make the first move, and then he did. He reached over and grabbed my hand pulling me up on my feet to dance. He held me so close and we just danced, swaying to any song that came on, gently touching, feeling, kissing, all of my senses heightened to a high security level .
    “Alexandra, I know beyond any doubt I want to be with you. The way you make me feel, the way my heart beats when you are around. I want all of you, whatever you will let me have. When you are ready,” then he stopped. There was more that he wasn’t saying but what was it?
    I reached up and touched his face, drew my finger along the outline of his jaw and started kissing him, with passion that I had never felt for a man. I could feel the churning in my body. I was burning from my head to my toes and even down between my legs, I felt a gush of moisture. Oh, this is an experience so new and so raw for me. He picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, kissing me, holding me in his arms. Finally, he sets me down on the sofa and faces me.
    “Grayson, my brain tells me to hold back, my heart is on high alert skipping beats. My body, well, let’s just say that my alter ego says you're in luck, but I don’t want a repeat of last night. So, would you be willing to sleep here tonight and stay with me, but keep your clothes on? I have never had a man sleep next to me, but I want to. Can we take it slow?”
    “Alexandra, just so you know. I slept beside you last night holding you tight all night, chasing your nightmares away. I'm not going anywhere.”

    Chapter 3
    “Alexandra, not to be presumptuous or take a risk of scaring you off, I did not bring back an overnight bag with me. I will run to my place and grab a few things and I will be back in 10 minutes, are you good ’til I return? ” I nodded yes.
    While he was out, I left a note for Coop explaining that Doc was staying over and I would see him in the morning. Now, what to wear when I sleep next to a gorgeous and very sexy Grayson Brooks?
    Grayson returns and I have already brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and changed into a long, emerald green silk gown and matching robe, a birthday gift from my stepsister Bethany. At the time that she gave it to me, I was puzzled, but now I am grateful to have it. Leading him to my bedroom, I found him to be extremely irresistible in the soft light of the lamp. I could still hear his iPod playing over the intercom.
    Grayson takes

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