police, mainly Brad and his group of investigators for not releasing much information. But he’s sticking to his guns and keeping it on the ‘down-low.’ Brad walks into the chief’s office and can tell by his expression that he’s having a tough time with all of the negative press the precinct has been receiving. He walks to the chief’s personal coffeepot and pours himself a cup of Columbian coffee and takes a seat. When he turns to look at the bulletin board on the chief’s wall he sees that he has been updating it daily with all of the new clippings from all of the area papers. “What have you guys been able to dig up on the husbands?” The chief asks as he slowly spins in his chair gazing at the ceiling. He has his eyes closed as he spins holding an ink pen. It’s obvious to Brad the chief is concerned about the negative press in a way he‘s never seen the chief before in all of these years. “Where still digging but I’m sure we’ll find a link.” Brad explains as he sips his coffee looking at his watch knowing that Todd should be there any minute with hopefully some information. The chief stands up and walks over to the board and points to the headline from the Peoria Journal Star that says in bold print. ‘CHICAGO PD LETTING DOWN THE STATE.’ “Do you see that? Is that what we want?” “No sir.” Answers Brad as they hear a knock on the door. “COME IN!” The obviously upset chief bellows. Todd walks in and slowly looks at the chief. “Good morning guys.” He then looks at Brad knowing the chief is noticeably upset. “What’s so god damned good about it? The press, the governor and every news channel are up my ass. I can’t walk to my car without reporters chasing me down sticking their fucking cameras and microphones in my face. One of them bastards was asking me questions while I was standing at the fucking urinal yesterday. I can’t even take a piss without them son’s of bitches bothering me. I know you boys are doing the best you can, but everyone knows that I’m the one that put this task force together. And word from the top is if we don’t find something or someone that there are going to be some demotions and reassignments. I’m too damn old for either. So you guys find something...” He sighs. “...Understand?” Brad stands up and says to the chief. “Boss, we will find something. With all of the manpower we have out there something will turn up. Just be patient.” Brad explains his theory sharing in the chief’s frustration. Todd approaches the desk and says with a slight grin. “I think we might have something .” Brad and the chief quickly turn there heads and as if they rehearsed and say in unison. “What?” Todd sits down next to Brad in front of the chief’s desk and says while he takes out a piece of paper from a folder. “We’re looking into a lot of things right now but I found this to be very interesting. The other night in Canton, the sight of the fifth attack, a neighbor woman says she heard a car door shut and looked outside. Nothing out of the ordinary, but when she heard about what happened to Mrs. Stein she thought it might be important.” Brad and the chief hang on his every word while he runs down the details. “So anyway she said she saw a black sports car, not a Corvette or a Trans Am or a car like that but she said it looked sporty . From the way she described it to the officers she talked to in Canton they guessed it could be a Toyota Camry or possibly a Honda Civic, something on those lines.” The chief shakes his head from side to side and responds with a touch of sarcasm.