sister! I wake up every morning and thank God for giving me my little sis Becky…really!
    Your big brother (who’s always been there for you),
    P.S. And no, Dulcie did NOT give me a black eye because of the note. She thought it was cute, and we had a great date on Saturday. The shiner was a complete accident, and if I hadn’t been distracted by Helene the Banshee, it never would’ve happened. Maybe Dad never taught me how to throw a baseball or play catch, but I’m not THAT inept.

Jordan and Becky
Thomas Huckleberry
The Time Will Come…

    …when you will PAY, and dearly. No amount of brotherly schmoozing is going to make this one just go away. Do youhave any idea how embarrassing it was for me to have to drop that box off at the Goodwill? The guy working there smirked at me, like, “Yeah, I know what YOU spend your time doing!” As a stay-at-home mom, it’s hard enough to convince people that I don’t sit around all day watching soap operas and eating potato chips. I don’t need to reinforce the stereotype. Just you wait, Brother dearest…I love you, too, but your day is coming. :)

Connie Lawson
[SAHM I AM] Apple Spa

    Hi everybody!
    I just wanted to let you know that Rosalyn’s spa recipes are WONDERFUL! I know she is too modest to brag about herself, so I’ll do it for her.
    She surprised me on Monday by showing up at my house and telling me, “Since it’s Labor Day, and you’ve been through LABOR five times, I thought you deserved a little treat.”
    She proceeded to spend the rest of the morning creating a luxury spa out of Kurt’s and my master suite. I got a Swedish massage complete with handmade herbal oils (using Rosalyn’s own homegrown herbs, of course). Then she gave me a full manicure and pedicure—she even made the lotions herself and scented them with an apple. This was followed by an herbal body wrap—sort of weird, but I liked it. Then came a candlelight bath with apple-cider vinegar and fragranced bath salts. She even carved out space in a few applesfor little tea candles and floated the apples in the tub. Other apples around the bathroom acted as holders for taper candles. It was beautiful! While Kurt took the kids outside, I got to soak in this heavenly bath, listen to soothing music and read a new Christian women’s devotional Rosalyn bought me.
    She also made a special homemade apple shampoo and hair rinse, a facial mask and a complete lunch. (I won’t even mention all the creative and delicious dishes.) I’ve never felt so pampered and relaxed! Even Kurt looked a little jealous, but Rosalyn told him he’d have to talk Chad into giving him a massage if he wanted one. :)
    I tell you, no one has ever been so kind to me or demonstrated such Christ-like service as my friend Rosalyn. She brought a whole new meaning to the idea of “washing the disciples’ feet.”
    I know I’ve embarrassed you no end, Ros dear, but I had to give you a public THANK YOU!

Zelia Muzuwa
“Green Eggs and Ham”

    Sheesh! just when you think it’s safe to dislike a girl, she up and does something sweet. Now I feel guilty. GRRRR!

Brenna L.
“Green Eggs and Ham”
Re: Rosalyn


    Don’t worry, Z, a few more of her Monday topics should cure you….

Rosalyn Ebberly
Need craft ideas!

    Ros honey, I am in dire need of some assistance. Mama and Daddy said they wanted some crafts from the kiddos to put up around their house. Problem is, I don’t have a clue about kids’ crafts! It’s not exactly something I learned in my mar keting classes! LOL! I asked Mama and Daddy what sort of things Y’ALL’S

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