Satan Burger
screw lots of married women.
    Last year, old Mr. Grog was arrested for selling heroin to an twelve-year-old.  At that point, he didn’t have any emotions left in him at all.  When the judge asked for his plea, all he did was stare at his wall and shrug.
    The autocar starts faster-faster as Stag’s foot goes heavy with intoxicated weight on the gas pedal.  Faster-faster.  Soon it is wind -fast, and since the wind sees the autocar as competition, they begin a race.  Autocar vs. the wind, getting me confused to which is which.  And they both go faster-faster-faster . . . Stag thinking he can actually beat the wind.
    Stag has drunken reflexes and doesn’t make the sharp turn at the bottom of the sideling sludge hill.  Going full speed on a grass field, out of command, drunk-fast. 
    He’s also blinded by a sharp orange light similar to a lightning flare, coming out of nowhere and electrocuting the horizon.  Bright like an atomic explosion, but then gone in an instant.
    Then I see the difference between the wind and an autocar.  The wind can hit a tree, shift around it, and then keep going, but an autocar becomes crumpled to a wreck.  And that’s what happens here.
    Both of the characters are tossed from the car, through the unforgiving windshield.  Stag’s face attempts oral sex with the tree’s trunk, but since the tree is not attracted to Stag it breaks his skull indoors, and Gin’s neck cracks on a large branch as he flies face-leading into the grass field, with dirt and a bug tasting into his mouth.
    And as the wind passes, there is silence .

    However, neither of the two drunkards actually died, because right before the autocar made contact with the tree, something supernatural happened.  There was that blinding flash, the sharp orange light similar to a lightning flare.
               Richard Stein said that sometimes a god will give his people a message, or sign, to alert them of something he has done wrong.  The sign can be a lightning flare, frogs raining from the sky, a long extinct animal found in a public place, or the ocean turning to fire.  If one of these four things happen, it is safe to say that God is trying to communicate.
    What God was trying to tell the world’s people with this lightning flare is that Heaven is full and there’s no room for any more souls, so He’s made the decision to discontinue the performance of dying to save His home from overpopulation. 
    Meaning:  death doesn’t exist and everyone is immortal, including Stag and Gin who would’ve been dead if this had been yesterday or even minutes prior.
    Now Gin’s face is in the dirt, tasting some soil and a bug who is tasting him back.  His heart is no longer beating; he thinks he is dead.  He can’t feel any of the physical pain that he should be feeling.  His thoughts spark-flicker through his eyes and he can feel them moving about inside of there.  It seems the only body part that still has nerves is his left eye.  Extremely sensitive, the eye even hurts once his thoughts become nervous, stabbing through his brain to the eye as they panic.
    And the only thing he can hear is the silence .  Growing so loudly, it hurts.

    My vision shifts into Vodka’s autocar:
    I find my corpse alone, sleeping there.  All of the car doors are open, letting the lifeless kind of air get a hold of my shivering nerves, tottering breaths.
    Hesitating the cold, I don’t enter my body right soon.  I just stare at it (me) and explore the flesh.  It is without color or muscle, just bags of grease-goo hanging from the nerves.  My facial skin is tight to the bone; I am sick-ugly, healthless.  The God’s Eyes go closer into me, to within an inch of my face.
    My eyelids jerk.
    It is strange how nobody ever sees their own eyelids jerk.  People go through their whole lives living with jerking eyelids but never get a chance to really see them jerking.  It’s only common for someone else to see your eyelids do this.  Even

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