Savage Cry

Savage Cry by Charles G. West Page B

Book: Savage Cry by Charles G. West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles G. West
Tags: Fiction, General, Historical, Westerns
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lady that got stole was your sister . . .”
    “That’s right,” Clay replied, anxious to know if the man could give him any help. If Owens couldn’t, he wouldn’t know where to start looking for Martha.
    “And you come all the way out here from Virginia to try to find your sister,” O.C. went on.
    “That’s right,” Clay said in a matter-of-fact tone. “If she’s still alive, I aim to find her.”
    There was something in the young man’s bearing that told O.C. this was no idle boast. He probably meant what he said. He might find her, but most likely he’d die trying. “You know much about the territory north and west of here?” He asked it knowing that Clay had probably never set foot west of the Missouri before.
    “No,” Clay confirmed. “But Robert and Charley have been out here for over a year. I was hoping I could catch up with them, if I just had some idea where they’re searching for my sister.”
    O.C. said nothing for a few moments while he took a long hard look at the young man across the counter from him, deciding what he was going to say. Finally he told Clay what he knew to be true. “Young feller, I don’t know how good you know your brother-in-law, but them two boys ain’t got no intentions of lookin’ fer your sister. They found out the army ain’t gonna go lookin’ fer her, and they wasn’t too interested in ridin’ into Injun territory and takin’ a chance on losing their own hair.” He watched Clay closely for his reaction, but he saw no shock in the young man’s eyes, just a stone-cold glint, and a noticeable set of his jaw. “They had a little gold dust they traded for a new outfit, and joined up with a party from St. Louis headed fer the gold fields up in Montana territory.”
    Clay said nothing for a long moment while he thought over what O.C. had just told him. He could not really say he was surprised that Robert and Charley Vinings lacked the intestinal fortitude to venture into hostile country. But, dammit, Martha was Robert’s wife! It was hard to understand a man like this. Clay could feel the anger rising in his spleen, and the thought of Robert and Charley riding off to look for gold while Martha was suffering who-knows-what, was incentive enough to find the two cowards if he had to ride all over Indian territory to do it. But first, he reminded himself, he had to find Martha.
    “You’ll be going back to Virginia, then?”
    Clay glanced up from his thoughts to look O.C. straight in the eye. “No,” he answered softly. “I’m not going back to Virginia. I came out here to find my sister, and I expect that’s what I’ll do.”
    “That camp them fellers had was up in the Black Hills, if they was tellin’ the truth about it. The Sioux is mighty particular about white men messin’ around in that part of the country. Tell you the truth, it’s a dad-blamed miracle that them two boys got outta there with their scalps.” He paused to gauge the effect of his words on Clay, then went on. “A man sure oughta know which way his stick floats if he’s thinkin’ ‘bout ridin’ into Injun country.”
    “I understand what you’re trying to tell me, Mr. Owens—and I appreciate it. But Martha is my sister, and I reckon I’ll just have to chance it. I can’t just cross her off and forget about it. Like her husband did,” he added.
    O.C. shook his head slowly back and forth while studying the young man standing before him. There was something about this young fellow—a quiet confidence that made a man think he’d do to winter with—and would watch his partner’s back in a fight.Clay started to thank him for his help, but O.C. interrupted. “I tell you what, son. If you’re determined to go get yourself kilt, I’ll give you the best piece of advice I can give you. Ride on down the river about thirty miles to where Red Cloud’s Sioux is camped. There’ll be other chiefs there, too. But he’s near the tent the soldiers set up for the talks. Tell one of

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