Saved and SAINTified

Saved and SAINTified by Tiana Laveen Page B

Book: Saved and SAINTified by Tiana Laveen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Laveen
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on a first date, but I will say this: When your King wants to make love to you, and it is only a first or second date, it’s not just because he wants to cum. It’s because he feels the electricity between you two, and he is eager to connect—to plug into you, literally, so please don’t judge us too harshly. Not every man who wants to make love to you quickly after just meeting you is a dog. You have to use discretion. Some of you made a man wait for months, others for years, and it still didn’t change the damn outcome!”
    The crowd in front of him was receptive. How could it not? He knew the tale he told was owned by these women’s hearts.
    “Timing is not the main issue; it’s quality. Is it lust? Hell, yes, but sometimes it goes even deeper than that.”
    He held his breath as he thought about his overwhelming desire while on the merry-go-round with Xenia. It took all of his strength to not attempt to make love to her, right then and there. He craved her so badly; he’d never felt so lovesick and out of control in all of his life.
    “You give him energy and restore him , and he will be there in the morning … and he will call you the next day, and the day after that, and the next week until before you know it, months have passed, and he has made it clear, that he wants to make you his wife, his Queen. Some of you are reading all this bullshit about waiting three or six months and all of that, and though the basis of the books is admirable, it won’t protect you, ladies, from cum dumpers! That’s all fairytale bullshit! A cum dumper will wait a year sometimes! He’ll be fucking other women while the whole time, you think he is faithful, waiting on your ass. He will be only pretending to hold out for you when, in fact, he is spilling seed in multiple other women. So all this ‘make that mothafucka wait three or six months’ is bullshit!”
    The enthusiasm that surged in the room fueled him further—spurred him to go on, to educate .
    “I’m not saying jump in the bed with him right away . I’m saying, don’t fool yourself into thinking there are some magic words or strategy on how to get a man to commit. There is nothing you can do to change a man who doesn’t want to be faithful and wait. You can’t keep someone who doesn’t want to be kept, period! He does it because he wants to, not because you said so . There is no man out here who is going to wait for you, just because you have this policy! He will wait for you because he loves you. If he is not that type of man, he will just go through the motions, bide his time. He can’t be faithful and he has to release that shit, get it out of himself, and it feels so much better if he can shoot it off into a woman versus his sheets. There is power even in the release, not just the semen itself.”
    While S aint was on a roll, he was sidetracked by a waving hand in the middle of the crowd of women.
    “Yes, can I help you?” he asked as he stared at the dark-complexioned, slender beauty with natural, curly hair.
    “Dr.Aknaten, this is off topic but something you just said made me think of it. Oh, my name is Rita by the way!” She smiled.
    “Hello , Rita. What is it?”
    “Can I ask you a sex question?” This caused several women in the group to burst out laughing.
    Saint cocked his head to the side and shoved his hand in his pocket.
    “I would normally say, ‘let’s until wait after I’m finished’ , but this is informal, so go right ahead.”
    “Why do guys fall asleep right after sex? You talked about the power of the release, and I believe it —does it make you all tired? Norman, my fiancé, always falls right to sleep and it gets on my nerves.” This caused more women to burst out laughing.
    S aint smiled. “So you’re just gonna put all ya man’s business out there, huh? You let everybody up in here know that Norm can’t hang  ...  he’s on blast.”
    That last statement got the laughter cracking . Rita grinned and

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