Saving Mia

Saving Mia by Michelle Woods Page A

Book: Saving Mia by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
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ready.” Mia walked towards her room seeing the scowl that her father turned on her.
    “Not that boy and girl from the Slums again?” He father demanded.
    “Hilroy, stop. They’re her friends.” Her mother softly reprimanded.
    “They are just wanting to get a free ride. Those people always are, Senna.” He gruffly retorted. He’d never liked Marcus and Raven. It was sad because of all her friends they were the two who she trusted the most to love her no matter who she was inside. They didn’t judge her. She couldn’t be sure that even her mother, father and brother wouldn’t judge her if they knew the truth. It was sad.
    “No papa it’s Liza.” Mia said turning to look at the vid screen from the hall entrance. She was lying but she knew that if she told him the truth it would cause a fight that she didn’t want to have with him tonight. She loved him, but his view of the Slums was just as skewed as most of the rest of the Hill’s residents was. She hated it.
    “Good.” Her father said. Then he began speaking to her mother and Mia knew that she’d been dismissed. Sighing she headed upstairs to change so that she could meet Raven and Marcus. As she passed her brothers room she wondered where he was.
    He’d been angry at her for three days because when she’d been paid she’d refused to give him any credits. He wasn’t speaking to her and she really wished he would seek help for his addiction. It frightened her. She remembered her protective younger brother from four years ago, and now he only wanted to talk to her when he needed money for a fix. It broke her heart to see her brother that way. It actually made her hate him a little bit.
    She knew that she was actually watching him kill himself slowly. He’d already ruined the brother she’d once loved. He was now a junky seeking his next fix. She was heading down the stairs twenty minutes later when her mother called out to her.
    “Mia, darling could you help me a moment.”
    “Sure, mom.” She said walking back down the hall to her parent’s room.
    Her mother was standing with her back to the door when she entered. Her dress was open and she looked at Mia over her shoulder. “Zip me up would you?” She asked.
    Mia pulled the tiny tab of the zip up her mother’s back. Surprised that her mother was wearing such a fancy dress tonight.
    “Wow, mom. Where are you headed looking so fancy?” She asked.
    “Oh, pooh. I’m meeting your aunt Hilena at that new place glitter. You know they want you to dress to the nines. I truly would prefer to just clap on a skirt and not have to wear this gown. They are so heavy.” Her mother said with a rueful snort of laughter.
    Mia smiled. She knew her mother hated dressing up, it was why seeing her mother in this dress had surprised her.
    “It will be fun though.”
    “Yes, now go have fun. Be young.” Laughing Mia headed to the door, but was stopped by her mother’s last words. “And Mia. Tell Raven and Marcus I said hello, won’t you.”
    Mia turned looking at her mother. Senna Warner smiled at Mia with a calm look. “I told you I was going out with…”
    “Yes, Liza. Except I know that she and you are no longer friends. I may be old, but I am not out of the loop, dear. Besides she’s attending with her mother this evening.” Her mother told her with a raised a brow.
    “I’m sorry I lied, mom.” Mia said, looking down at the floor.
    “Darling don’t beat yourself up too badly. I know that your father can get intense about these things. But you have to know that it’s only because he loves you.” Her mother said looking at her with understanding in her eyes.
    “Thank you for not telling, papa. And for understanding.” Mia gazed up at her mother. Wishing that she could tell her the truth about her job too. It would ease Mia’s mind to be able to confide in her mother.
    “Oh, of course, dear. Every young woman deserves a few secrets.” Mia knew that her mother thought that she was more than

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