Saving The Alien Star Lord (Alien SciFi Romance)
whispered. “You have the opportunity for something that no other person on Earth has ever experienced; it is possible that no other person ever will. And I know you are brave, Charlotte. And I know you feel the same draw to me as I feel toward you. So come with me.”
    Charlotte had no idea what had come over her. How just days before she had been an average waitress with an ordinary human life. And now, she was contemplating racing off to some distant planet with an alien. If anyone knew, they would have her committed for sure. Hell, she had to wonder if she was indeed certifiable. But the draw she had recognized within her just moments before had grown exponentially, and she couldn't fathom not following this alien-man to the edges of the universe and far beyond.
    Eli had knelt before her as she was thinking. He fixed her thong to cover her once again. He gently slid the skirt up her thighs and secured the zipper. He pulled the edges of her shirt together and refastened the buttons. When he was finished, he reached out a hand to her. He was silent for a moment, staring at her intently. And then she heard him, even though she was certain he hadn't moved his lips. “Come with me,” he had said without uttering a sound.
    “I heard that,” she said aloud in awe.
    “Then it has already begun,” he smiled and she placed her hand in his. Suddenly, no part of her struggled to fight the urge to go with him. So, she didn't fight. He pulled her along with him into the street and they walked together silently.

    It was late and there wasn't another person in sight. With one furtive glance around, Eli caught Charlotte up in his arms, and then he was speeding along, carrying her like she weighed nothing, and moving faster than a train. He reached the water's edge in just moments—she presumed it was a lake outside the city limits. He placed her down on the ground gently and when she was firmly planted on her feet, he dove into the water. Eli emerged less than a minute later but he most definitely was not swimming. A small ship rose out of the water and she could see him piloting the spacecraft. It hovered just before her, and he hopped out and came around to offer his hand once more.
    She hesitated for a moment and then accepted his hand. Eli led Charlotte onto the ship and took the seat next to her. “Kind of small, isn't it?” she teased with a light laugh.
    “Think of it as your own personal chauffeur to a much larger, private jet,” he explained. “Are you ready?” he queried and she nodded her agreement. Just a moment later, they were high above the clouds and Eli continued to take them higher. It fascinated her, and she watched the entire ascent.
    She watched as Eli pressed a button on the panel in front of him and a much larger craft came into view.
    “Cloaking technology? I thought that was just in movies,” Charlotte commented, though she wasn't certain why she was surprised. The larger craft opened to accept the one Eli currently piloted. He glided in smoothly and the ship closed behind them.
    “Come with me,” Eli said again wordlessly, and it seemed this time, he had to focus a little less intently for Charlotte to hear him. She followed him out of the shuttle and out of the room they first entered.
    Her feet came to a sudden halt and she could only stand and stare in awe. In the next room, the walls were covered with a multitude of gadgets and gizmos that she didn't recognize. But it was the floor that held her attention captive: it appeared to be made entirely of glass and she stared with a look of wonderment in her eyes, seeing Earth far beneath them.
    “It's incredible,” she whispered.
    He turned her toward him as his hands moved to wrap around her waist. Eli pulled her tight against his body and his mouth came down swiftly to cover hers. He thrust his tongue against her lips, demanding entry this time, and she complied easily as her hands came up to the back of his neck.
    It was obvious that

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