Sealed With a Kiss

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Book: Sealed With a Kiss by Rachael Lucas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Lucas
Tags: Fiction, General
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his scarf and gloves. ‘Next stop Jock’s Cars then?’
    Buying a car with Ian had been a long drawn-out process, involving the inevitable spreadsheet of cost-analysis pros and cons, miles to the gallon and other things, which Kate
had found unbearably dull. She’d nodded and smiled, handed over half of the money and had driven whatever they’d ended up with. She couldn’t help finding it amusing that, after
all that analysis, they still ended up with a car that constantly broke down.
    In comparison, buying a car on the island of Auchenmor was blissfully simple. With the money she’d received from Ian in lieu of the furniture, she was able to choose a car based on colour
and shape, and the fact that it already had a dog guard fitted in the boot. Susan assured Kate that Jock wouldn’t dream of selling her anything that wasn’t reliable, and the grey-haired
old man in a boiler suit had given her his word that the car was sound. He also had no problem with handing over a vehicle on the strength of a cheque.
    Laughing to herself, Kate followed Susan, who drove like a maniac on the narrow island lanes, back to the estate, parking her car outside the cottage. Despite the reassurances that nobody here
locked their vehicles, she double-checked the door before she walked away. Island life really was something else. The idea of walking into a garage, choosing a car and driving it home, without
handing over hard cash, would be unthinkable back in Cambridge. It was like stepping back in time.
    ‘I can’t decide. They’re all so beautiful.’
    Kate was sitting on the floor of the kennel in a sea of fur, when a puppy chose her. Unlike the others, this one’s face was almost all brown, but it looked as though someone had spilled a
splash of white paint down one side of her muzzle. She was quieter than the others, and curled up on Kate’s lap.
    ‘This one. Now, quickly, get me out of here before I change my mind.’
    Susan laughed and pulled her up from the floor with one hand. Kate’s other hand curled around the soft, fat tummy of her little dog.
    ‘The others are being homed over the weekend, so she’ll be okay to go with you tonight.’ Susan rummaged in a cupboard, pulling out a hot-water bottle. ‘Tuck her up with
this in her bed and she’ll be fine.’
    Kate had every intention of sneaking the puppy into bed with her, but took the hot-water bottle without argument.
    ‘What’s her name?’ Jamie lay on the rug, letting the puppy chew his hair.
    ‘Willow.’ The name came out of nowhere, but suited her perfectly. Kate scooped her spaniel puppy into her arms, stroking her soft ears.
    ‘Can we come and see her tomorrow?’
    ‘You can come whenever you want, Jamie. Bring your mummy and daddy, too.’
    ‘And Mhairi? She can’t play with puppies because she’s too little. Mummy said she’s not allowed.’
    ‘Mhairi, too. But you’ll be in charge, because you’re a grown-up boy. Mummy said you’re going to be four on your birthday next week.’
    ‘I think I’ll be five. Five is bigger.’ Jamie stood up on tiptoe. ‘I’m quite big just now, look.’
    ‘Enormous.’ Kate laughed.
    Susan reappeared from the baby’s bedroom, creeping in with an expression of relief.
    ‘Right, Jamie, I think a bit of
Thomas the Tank Engine
for you,’ she switched on the television, ‘and a wee sit-down for Mummy.’ Susan looked suddenly exhausted,
worn out by the needs of a sleepless baby, a little boy who was more than ready for school, and a whole kennel full of dogs. ‘Do you want some more tea before you go?’
    ‘Truly, no. But thanks.’ Kate headed for the door, manoeuvring her way through the toy cars and assorted plastic. ‘I’m awash with coffee as it is.’
    Susan kissed her goodbye. The sun was setting on what had been another very long day, and Kate was dying to collapse in front of a fire and watch something mindless on television.
    Her mobile beeped. Shuffling Willow under her arm, she managed

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