Sea's Sorceress

Sea's Sorceress by Brynna Curry Page A

Book: Sea's Sorceress by Brynna Curry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brynna Curry
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal
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how did you do that?”
    “I told him I want to marry you, when you’re ready, and that I’d like his blessing when the time comes.”
    “You did what?”
    “I’m serious about this, about us. I love you, Rhiannon O’Malley.”
    “I love you too, Skye, but what about your art? You’ve put everything on hold to help me since Da got sick. You don’t need to work ten and twelve hour shifts to get by. When was the last time you painted something? Anything?”
    “I paint in the middle of the night when I wake up thinking of you. You should see the mural I painted for Liv’s nursery and the painting I finished last night.”
    “I plan on paying Liv and the babies a visit today. Your pocket is singing.” She smiled at the tinkly sound of the cellphone.
    Skye pulled it out, looked at the screen and then his watch. “Forgot I’m supposed to be at Kate’s old place in a bit. Ryan wants it fixed up before they move in. Come over tonight. I’ll cook dinner.” Skye claimed her mouth in a soft, slow kiss that seemed to go on forever. “And stay with me.”
    “I’ll come over. And think about staying the night.”

    Chapter 7
    “Well. The roof is solid, floors too. Looks like you just need to do some minor plumbing repair in the bathroom, cosmetics paint and such, and you’ll be ready to move in.” Skye clapped his brother Ryan on the back. “How are things? Feeling okay?”
    “Never felt better. I asked Kate to marry me last night. She said yes.”
    “That’s great news. I already count Kate as a sister. I know I haven’t had a chance to say it, but welcome home.”
    “Something’s different about you today.”
    “Not different. Just out in the open, I guess. I kissed Rhiannon.”
    “She’s in a bad place in her life right now. Trying to build a relationship will be hard for both of you. Be careful.”
    “I’m in love with her, Ryan.” Skye hooked his tape measure on his belt. “All the way in. I asked John for her hand.”
    Ryan’s mouth fell open in shock. “You did not. No way.”
    “I’ve never known you to be speechless. I did. Because of the circumstances, I wanted to have his blessing before he passes.” Skye jotted down the measurements for the bathroom cabinet and sink vanity.
    “What did she have to say about that?” Ryan frowned and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Annoyance rippled in the air.
    “She knows, but I haven’t officially asked her yet. I want to. I’d marry her today if I could. I figure we’ve been leading up to this our whole lives. Why wait?”
    “You would. Always impatient. You could give it time. Enjoy each other for awhile.”
    “She wants more, and so do I.” Skye leaned against the porch rail and shoved the noted pad into his back pocket.
    “You took your time falling. Does she make you happy?”
    “More than I can say.”
    “Then I’m happy for you.”
    “So when is the wedding? And do I get to be your best man?”
    “Three months from Sunday. And I hope you, Jack and Devin will stand with me.”
    “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
    * * * *
    Rhiannon knocked on the back door of Skye’s house at six o’clock and then let herself in. Butterflies danced in her stomach. She’d already made up her mind about tonight, and wore her favorite green dress that fell just about the knee, left her hair loose.
    He stood with his back to her, faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt hugging his frame.
    She stepped up to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, leaned against his back. Easier with him now than ever.
    “Hello, yourself.” He cut off the stove and turned in her arms. “Dinner is almost ready.”
    “Smells wonderful. Pasta?”
    “Mm-hmm. I missed you.” He pulled her into his embrace.
    She could smell the clean scent of soap from his shower, pasta sauce from the meal and the cool wet air of the coming storm.
    “Will it keep?” She unfastened the first button on the front of her dress and watched

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