Lynnea, who was trying to be brave and not cry because her mama was lost.
    You're the answer to a wish, Mam said as she got down from the wagon. What's your name, child?
    Lynnea. I picked flowers for Mama, hut she's lost.
    I'm going to be your mama now.
    Mam picked her up and put her in the wagon. Not on the seat, but on the floor. Then Mam climbed into the wagon and slapped at the horse to make it run very fast.
    Lynnea used her sleeve to wipe away the tears. She didn't know if that was a true memory or just wishful thinking that changed Mam's story so it didn't hurt so much. Just as she didn't know if she really remembered a man and woman calling her name, over and over, as if they were searching for her.
    Didn't matter now which story was true. It had all happened a long time ago. Sixteen years, in fact. She knew that because not long after she'd come to live with Mam, Ewan had his sixth birthday and Mam had baked a cake as a special treat. That evening, when she was getting ready for bed, she'd told Mam her birthday so Mam, who was her new mama now, would know what day to bake the cake.
    But she didn't get a cake for her birthday. Not that year, not any year. Because cakes took time and money to make. Cakes were for real children, not someone like her.
    She no longer remembered when her birthday was. Didn't want to remember. And she couldn't remember how old she had been the day Mam found her by the road. But she knew it had been sixteen years ago because Ewan had turned twenty-two last week—and Mam had baked him a cake.
    I wish I lived in a different place. I wish someone could love me.
    Foolish wishes. Just like every other wish she'd ever made.
    Wiping her eyes one last time, Lynnea began collecting the eggs.
    Muttering to herself, Glorianna tromped down the lane toward Sebastian's cottage. She'd seen him and Teaser zipping down the main street on a demon cycle, heading for the other end of the Den, but there hadn't been time to call out. Sebastian had a pack, so he must be planning to cross over to another landscape for a visit.
    Opportunities and choices. She'd missed the chance to talk to Sebastian, so another pattern of events would take shape. That was the way of the world. That was the way of life.
    She had known from the moment she'd looked into the green eyes of a wary boy and felt his heart's strong desire to belong in the nice house with the kind woman and the children who weren't being cruel that her connection with Sebastian was different from her connection with Nadia and Lee. She had known, in a child's instinctive way, that she and Sebastian would have a powerful influence on each other's lives. She hadn't known then that loving her cousin and wanting to help him would break the pattern of her life so completely, but…
    Opportunities and choices. She had made the choice because of Sebastian, but it had been her choice.
    And even though she'd never been able to put the pattern of her own life back together in a way that made it whole, she didn't regret her choice. Had never regretted her choice. Because it had saved him.
    "Sebastian," she said—and smiled.
    A swell in the currents of power washed through her, leaving her breathless. She stopped walking, just stood in the middle of the lane while she absorbed the feeling that had touched her.
    Heart wish. A powerful one. The kind that would send ripples through the currents of the world.
    "Sebastian?" she whispered—and felt the heart wish wash through her again.
    So. The heart wish had come from him. Maybe that was the reason for his urge to visit another landscape.
    Despite what she'd seen in the alley—and her suspicions of how that particular landscape had been inserted into her own—she felt her heart lift. There had been so much possibility of Light in Sebastian's heart wish. He'd had opportunities to leave the Den and cross over to another landscape, but he'd been blind to them because, despite wanting a change, he hadn't been ready to change

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