Second Chances

Second Chances by Cheyenne Meadows Page B

Book: Second Chances by Cheyenne Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne Meadows
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raised her boys to respect
woman and show them kindness with manners. Yet, he couldn’t think of a better
way to throw her off his trail. Unfortunately, instead of sending her dashing
off, she now sat across a small table from him, talking about his recent
history, and bolstering his ego with her easy to read face.
focused on eating, wanting to hurry up and end this somewhat awkward meal. At
least she only pressed a couple of his buttons. Too bad they were his curiosity
and his libido.
cleared her throat and took another drink from her cup. “Have you heard
anything about rain?”
recognized the change of subject for what it was. An olive twig. “Nowhere in
the near future. We haven’t gotten anything measurable for three months. Add
that in with last year’s dry weather and we’re in a severe drought.”
going to make it tough, no pasture. The grain and hay prices will soar.”
already have.” He cringed recalling the total feed bill from last month. This
coming month would prove worse, whittling away at his margin of profit. Once he
began to sink into the hole, he didn’t have a clue how to dig himself back out.
Sure, he could raise the prices to the boarders, but that step would only help
somewhat. He couldn’t take on a part-time job as the stable kept him more than
busy. Besides, he didn’t dare leave the horses unattended for long. His
liability if something happened wouldn’t climb higher than his inner guilt. No,
he had to stay the course and hope things worked out. They always had before.
    “I know
things are bad all around. Even the hospital is feeling the crunch.” She
spooned a bite of potatoes. “With the economy and lower reimbursements, the
hospital is trimming off any and all fat.”
hadn’t realized health care would be affected. “Layoffs?”
shook her head. “No. Not yet. Supposedly, administration says it’s not going to
happen. But, at the same time, they aren’t replacing those who leave and
they’re not hiring anyone new. We just have to make due with what we already
like everyone else.”
I think so.”
    She ate
for a minute before speaking once more. “Times are hard all over. I wonder what
the next big blow will be.”
always something.”
strong survive, though.”
shook his head, remembering all his fellow military brothers who fell in the
line of duty. “Not always.” Finished with his meal, he slurped the soda
container empty. “Thanks for lunch.” In a flurry, he gathered up the trash and
threw everything away.
followed suit. “You’re welcome.”
stopped and eyed her for a long moment. She didn’t deserve his brashness, not
when she obviously tried so hard to become a friend. “I’ve got a horse to
break. Then, later, I want to handle your filly some more.”
nodded. “I know you’re a busy man. So, I’ll head home, but be back later to
help you feed my horses.”
not necessary. After all, that’s what you’re paying me to do.”
    “I want
to. Besides, I’ve got a ton of treats to bring over. Can’t run out of snacks
for those two.” She met his gaze, turned, and showed herself out.
sighed. Why did she have to be so understanding? So pretty? So accommodating
and caring?
could easily reject a selfish woman. Yet, for the life of him, he couldn’t keep
up the snarky persona to shove April away. Earlier the hurt on her face cut him
way too deep.
    Face it, SEAL. She’s got your
that thought, he left the one bedroom house attached to the stable, and headed
for the pasture.

still can’t believe she’s taken to you so quickly.” April grabbed up a bucket
of feed and headed toward the nearest stall.
returned earlier to not only find Mischief and Miracle already in their stalls,
but Dusty actually rubbing the filly’s head with soft and tender touches.
Amazed, she could have been knocked

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