Secret Agent Seduction
tightly against his throbbing erection. She shivered, her clitoris swelling with arousal. She kissed his soft, sensuous lips and slipped her tongue inside his mouth as they writhed against each other.
    Without breaking the kiss, Lia rose about him, straddled his hips and lowered herself onto his long, thick shaft. He swore hoarsely and began thrusting into her so hard and fast she nearly lost her balance astride him. But she held on tight for what would become the ride of her life.
    The fantasy was so carnal, so real, that before long Lia found herself gasping for breath, two fingers pushed deep inside her body as she brought herself to a shuddering orgasm.
    It had been a long night.
    With a sigh of disgust, Lia slipped on a pair of low-heeled pumps and holstered her sidearm before heading out of the room.
    It was still early, barely five-thirty. She hoped she had a few more hours to herself before Magliore woke up. She needed at least that much.
    But as she stepped from her room, she noticed that his door was halfway open. She felt a slight twinge of disappointment.
    So much for having a few hours to myself.
    She paused in the doorway for a moment, listening for sounds of movement or running water within the room. It was silent.
    She knocked softly. “Mr. Magliore?”
    There was no answer.
    Lia hesitated, then pushed the door all the way open and slowly entered the room. The large master suite had the same cozy, rustic furnishings as her own room, but it also featured a fireplace and a private seating area with two overstuffed chairs and an ottoman.
    One half of the king-size bed was rumpled, the heavy comforter thrown back across the undisturbed side. On a wooden bench at the foot of the bed, a sturdy leather suitcase sat open, filled with the tasteful articles of clothing that had been purchased for Magliore before his arrival.
    As Lia ventured farther inside the room, she prayed she wouldn’t stumble upon the man naked, or worse, answering the call of nature. How embarrassing would that be.
    â€œMr. Magliore?” she called out.
    Still no answer.
    The bathroom was empty.
    The entire suite was empty.
    Lia turned and headed quickly from the room. With a mounting sense of alarm, she checked the living room and the rustic, utilitarian kitchen near the back of the cabin.
    Magliore was nowhere in sight.
    Cursing under her breath, Lia reached for her sidearm and hurried toward the front door, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her mind raced with possible scenarios of what had happened to him, foremost that he’d been kidnapped by Biassou’s mercenaries in the dead of night and taken somewhere to be tortured and killed.
    Oh, God. Please not that!
    Lia threw open the front door and burst onto the wraparound porch.
    She was brought up short by the sight of Armand Magliore standing at the wooden balustrade that curved around the wide porch. His back was turned to her, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his dark jeans, as he stared out at the forested hills and mountains in the distance.
    At her sudden appearance, he glanced over his shoulder. His lazy gaze ran the length of her, skimming over the service revolver gripped in her right hand before returning to her face.
    â€œGood morning,” he said softly.
    The adrenaline ebbed from her system, replaced by an overwhelming surge of relief—and anger.
    â€œGood morning?” Lia echoed in disbelief. “Is that all you have to say for yourself?”
    He arched an amused brow at her. “I beg your pardon?”
    â€œI thought you’d been kidnapped by Biassou’s men,” she burst out. “I thought they’d broken into the cabin in the middle of the night and snatched you out of bed. I thought you might already be dead! ”
    A ghost of a smile lifted the corners of his sensuous mouth. As he turned slowly to face her, Lia couldn’t help noticing how nicely his jeans fit him, riding low on his lean hips and

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