Secret Maneuvers

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Book: Secret Maneuvers by Jessie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessie Lane
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
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together. Did you know that?” I shook my head and she continued talking, “Sorry I landed on you. Anything I can do to make it up to you while I’m down here?” Full red lips smiled back at me seductively.
    Tipping my head back to look at the ceiling in disbelief, I chuckled, then slipped my hands underneath her shoulders to help her stand. “I appreciate the offer, but you could say I’m spoken for. Promise me that you’ll be more careful walking around in those wicked high heels from now on. I’d hate for them get the best of you and hurt those pretty legs.”
    The brunette shrugged before grabbing the offending shoe to slip it back on her foot. “Can’t blame a girl for trying, can you?”
    Walking away she seemed a fuck of a lot steadier than she had a few minutes ago when lying on top of me. Cocking an eyebrow at the development I looked over to see Jaxon’s shoulders shaking in laughter. “Damn, Baker, you’ve got the ladies performing to get your attention. What’s next? Someone going to walk up to you juggling beers to impress you?”
    A slow grin spread across my face. “Now, if she’s juggling beers at least that would come in handy. We might get a few free drinks out of it. Not to mention, if she’s desperate enough she might be willing to settle for you instead.”
    Jaxon flipped me the bird.
    Sliding my eyes back to Belle, who was still on the floor with the Sheriff, it seemed that their conversation had turned for the better. Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that her eyes were shooting daggers in my direction. Apparently, she’d caught my interaction with the brunette. A smart man would have been scared about the possibility of her anger over it. I was not a smart man. That killing look aimed in my direction gave me hope. If that could piss her off that bad, then that meant she still cared for me, and if she still cared, then I could talk her around to my way of thinking. This brought a smile to my face. A smile that was not appreciated by Belle. The Sheriff dropped his mouth down to her ear to whisper in it and they held their heads together, closely talking for a few minutes before separating. Belle kissed the man on the cheek, and then went back to her stool next to Declan. The Sheriff ambled back to our table.
    Before I could think better of it, I blurted, “What the hell was that about, Jenkins?”
    Sheriff Jenkins gave me a blank look. He seemed to be considering what he should say. “Just needed to have a quick chat with Annabelle. Glad I did, though. We need to keep eyes on her. She’s got that look in her eye, the kind she gets right before she does something crazy. Or stupid. Don’t know what she’s up to yet, so don’t bother asking.”
    Jaxon cocked an eyebrow at the Sheriff’s diversion tactic before looking back to me. Frustrated, I ran my hand over the back of my neck. Keeping my mind on the mission was not as easy as I thought it was going to be. First, it was because of Belle’s obvious rage and avoidance towards me. Now, it felt like I was having my face rubbed in Sheriff Jenkins’ obvious romantic feelings for Belle, which was salt on the fucking, bleeding wound, in a manner of speaking. Between the two issues, the short fuse on my patience was quickly burning down and it felt like it would be just a matter of time before I exploded and did something drastic. Something stupid.
    Belle’s vibrant laughter cut through my musings on the Sheriff. Looking back over to where she sat sandwiched in between the Sullivan brothers, I watched as she worked Henderson and the people surrounding them with her charm. Belle suddenly waved her hands around in the air while enthusiastically debating something with Henderson. Her shirt rode up her back enough to catch a glimpse of what looked to be a tattoo there, making me groan as I had the sudden fierce desire to strip her naked and expose the ink on her body to my eyes.
    A man could only take so much before

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