Secret Pleasures

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Book: Secret Pleasures by Cheryl Howe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Howe
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the jaw before he could fully glean his ungentlemanly attack . Marcus stumbled to one knee . The two footmen that grabbed Darien from behind and wrenched his arms behind his back did nothing to dull Darien’s satisfaction . He’d been wanting to punch Marcus for a long time.
    Marcus got to his feet, looking mad as hell . Darien braced himself for his answering blow.
    “Let him go,” Marcus ordered .
    They stood facing each other . Marcus balled his fist but curbed his obvious need to retaliate . The front door opened and a servant appeared in a swath of light.
    “I won’t engage in a street brawl in front of my own home, but if you choose to continue this … ”
    “We can call it even. ” Some of Darien’s rage cooled, and he held out his hand to his old friend . He couldn’t deny Marcus had only stepped in and taken advantage of the disaster Darien’s father had created.
    Marcus took his hand and squeezed hard enough for Darien to realize real strength went with the power of his esteemed title.
    “If I hear that you have caused Ivy one moment of grief, we will be meeting again.”
    Darien nodded, though he feared Marcus would be forced to follow through with his threat . Some man fathered Ivy’s child and the bastard in question was noticeably absent . Darien would not desert Ivy in her time of need again, whether she appreciated his intrusion into her life or not.

    … will be worth the sacrifices you will invariably be forced to make.

    Though the early morning sun had yet to chase away the damp scent of night clinging to the narrow stairwell, Ivy found Diana’s door ajar . At least Ivy wouldn’t have to waste time trying to raise the notorious night owl . Usually Diana was dead to the world before noon.
    Voices drifted past the thin walls, forcing Ivy to step back into the shadowed landing . The fact that Diana was awake meant she had not likely retired for the evening and Ivy had no desire to run into one of her paramours . Unless it was Gregory Blackmore , and then she would love to confront him on more equal footing . His closeted skeletons were just as ghastly as hers , but he had the power and the means to keep that particular door locked .
    Ivy gathered her courage . She did not have time for caution even if her arch enemy laid in wait, which was highly unlikely . Ivy intended to be far removed from London before speculation regarding Darien’s announcement spread through the city like the Black Plague . And if Diana refused to accompany her to Cornwall, she would have to say goodbye to her daughter . Melody’s fever had finally broken and she was sleeping peacefully . Ivy would not even consider returning the child to this squalor.
    “Excuse me,” Ivy said loudly, averting her gaze while she pushed the door wider, not wanting to catch the couple unaware . “I just need to speak with Diana for one moment.”
    A hushed silence greeted her request . Disturbed by the response, Ivy strode into the room . A grubby man and disheveled woman shuffled toward her, obviously struggling to carry the oversized painting of Diana in her prime.
    “Where do you think you are going with that?” Ivy squared her shoulders to prevent their exit.
    “Listen here, Miss” — t he man craned his neck around the massive frame — “ s he hadn’t paid her rent last month nor the one before that . And I let that pass considering her health . I just want to recoup what I lost, is all . I didn’t pinch the rest of the goods . Some vultures beat me to it.”
    Ivy blocked their way , but glanced past the couple struggling to hold the heavy frame , and scanned the dim room . It had been stripped bare of all Diana’s belongings. The wardrobe doors stood open, revealing nothing but empty hangers . The silk hangings that had disguised the crumbling plastered wall had also been taken . Only the lounging chair where Diana had sat while she entertained Ivy less than a week ago remained in the center of

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