Secret Seduction
the pond. It skimmed four times before sinking below the surface.
    “She trusted you enough to dance with you. I think that’s a good sign. Vanessa’s pretty cautious.”
    Shows how much you know her. From what he’d seen of the sexy Dr. Rodriquez, cautious was not an adjective that popped to mind.
    “The fact that you were able to get close to her gives you an edge in guarding her,” the senator said.
    You have no idea how close.
    Tanner inhaled deeply. “I’m going to be honest with you Robert. I can’t guard Dr. Rodriquez because I’m physically attracted to her.”
    Robert made a noise of surprise. “But that’s good, healthy even.”
    “You think so? Because I sure don’t.” Tanner chuffed in a breath.
    The senator laid a hand on his shoulder. “Maria would want you to move on. You’ve been grieving hard for four years. It’s time to let go. Letting go doesn’t mean you didn’t love her.”
    “Yeah, but the first time I’m attracted to anyone since I lost Maria and it’s with someone I’m protecting.”
    “It just means you’re not dead below the waist.” Robert tightened his grip on Tanner’s shoulder. “And just because you’re attracted to Vanessa doesn’t mean you have to act on your feelings.”
    This is the time. Tell him you already did.
    But for some reason, Tanner simply couldn’t force himself to say the words. Part of it was a misguided attempt at chivalry. Part of it was because he felt ashamed of what he’d done. But another reason had to do with the senator himself. Tanner felt there was still more to the story than Robert was telling him, and as long as the senator was holding out on him, he felt uncomfortable with full disclosure.
    “And Vanessa’s safety is not the only reason I need you,” Robert continued. “Confidential Rejuvenations is in turmoil. That ugly business with Mark Lawson aside, something odd is going on in that hospital and I need someone on the inside that I can trust.”
    Like everyone in Austin, Tanner had heard about the scandal. Confidential Rejuvenations had been front-page news for weeks after Mark Lawson’s murder, and for a chic boutique hospital with a reputation for closely guarding its clientele’s privacy, the fallout had been disturbing. Particularly for Robert, who was a former board member and who had bought a controlling share in the hospital.
    “What do you mean?” Tanner asked.
    “I think someone is trying to sabotage the hospital. Even before it was discovered that Lawson was mixed up with that gangster, there were strange happenings. I think someone is out to do permanent damage to the hospital’s reputation.”
    Their conversation lulled.
    In the hushed moment, the sound of a twig snapping was almost deafening.
    They both raised their heads and turned to see Robert’s twenty-two-year-old adopted daughter, Chloe, standing in the clearing. The young woman had just finished up her nursing degree from the University of Texas and she worked as a scrub nurse at Confidential Rejuvenations.
    Tanner had the strangest feeling that Chloe had been there for a long time, eavesdropping on their conversation. He remembered Maria saying her younger cousin had been a strange girl. Quiet but sneaky. Now he knew what his late wife had meant. Tanner found himself wondering what Chloe would think if she knew her father had sent Vanessa Rodriquez to medical school.
    “Dad,” Chloe said. “Mom says the steaks are ready.”
    “We’ll be right there.”
    She turned and walked back to the house.
    “So anyway,” Robert said, “don’t let this attraction to Vanessa throw you. You’re finally getting back to yourself and that’s a good thing. I know you can guard her without letting your emotions cross the line. Keep her close to you. I have a really bad feeling about Carlo Vega. After he was convicted, he swore he’d kill Vanessa whenever he got out.”
    That, Tanner realized, was the real reason he didn’t tell Robert the whole truth

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