Secrets of Valhalla

Secrets of Valhalla by Jasmine Richards Page B

Book: Secrets of Valhalla by Jasmine Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jasmine Richards
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scooped up the pieces, enjoying the gooey mess in his mouth. Pancakes at least made complete sense to him.
    Tia shook her head. “You’re funny, you know that, Buzz?”Her eyes lit up. “Hey, did that girl Mary come and find you yesterday after school? She seems really nice.”
    Buzz shook his head. Mary was the last person he wanted to talk about. His gaze traveled along the breakfast bar and rested on a newspaper that lay folded on the wooden surface. It was dated September 14, and although the face was folded in half, with just a pair of eyes visible, Buzz recognized Eleanor Bright instantly. Above her half face, the stark headline read, “Weatherwoman Mystery Deepens. Fog Over Disappearance Refuses to Lift.”
    Buzz unfolded the newspaper, leaving a smear of chocolate sauce over Eleanor Bright’s beautiful face.
    â€œPoor woman, I wonder what happened to her?” Tia said, even as Buzz skimmed the newspaper for any new information.
    The shrill ring of the telephone made them both jump.
    â€œI’ll get it.” Tia slipped down from her stool and bounded over to the phone.
    â€œHello, the Buzzard residence,” she said in her best telephone voice.
    Tia was silent for a moment but then took in a sharp intake of breath. “Mum? Is that really you?”
    Buzz and the Prof were by the phone in two strides.
    â€œMum, I can’t believe it.” Moisture crested at the corner of Tia’s eyes, and she took a gulping breath. “I’ve missed you, too.” She listened for a moment, a tear now tracking down her cheek. “Okay, I’ll pass you over.”
    Tia handed the phone to the Prof, and Buzz felt a sting of annoyance that she hadn’t given the phone to him. He pushed the thought away. Mum’s alive! She’s alive! It was a joyful chorus in his head.
    â€œNatasha, are you all right? Where have you been? We thought . . . well, you can imagine what we thought.” The Prof swallowed and Buzz could see that his hand was shaking on the receiver.
    Buzz could hear his mother’s voice but not her words as the Prof listened intently.
    â€œNatasha, the line is breaking up. Yes, of course, I’ll tell him. I lo—” He broke off and looked at the phone in frustration. “She’s gone.”
    â€œGone,” Buzz repeated. “But I didn’t get to speak to her.” He hated the whiny quality to his voice, but he couldn’t help it.
    â€œI’m sorry,” the Prof said. “But it sounds like she had to move heaven and earth to make the call and the line was temperamental, to say the least.”
    Buzz’s throat felt tight, but he nodded.
    â€œWhere’s she been?” Tia asked, not sounding whiny in the least.
    â€œThere was an electrical storm,” the Prof explained. “They were deep in the Amazon and their equipment got completely fried. She said they stumbled and tripped their way through the rain forest until they came across a tribe who helped them find an outpost.” Dad put the phone back in the stand with a click. “The good news is she’s flying out of theforest tomorrow. There’s a light aircraft that leaves every Sunday and she has a seat.” The Prof’s lips curved upward. Buzz couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his father smile. “Your mother is coming home.”

Dragon Boy
    B uzz ran to the sports club for the semifinals of the Crowmarsh junior cup, the autumn sun making everything crackly with orange fire.
    Tia had left for her Saturday job at the library, and Buzz had decided he needed to get out of the house as well. With a soccer game, at least, he knew what he was meant to do, and wouldn’t have to deal with the memories, imagined or not, of dragons and magic.
    His head still throbbed a bit, but since the phone call from his mum he’d been feeling much better. He must have looked better as well because

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