Seduced by Danger
showed every sign of liking it rough, something he’d never allowed himself to be with her. He let his teeth graze the tip as he pulled away, letting her moan fire his blood even more.
    He was burning from the inside out, his cock so hard it felt like iron. But he knew he was about to explode.
    And he wanted her to go first.
    Slipping one hand from her thigh, he slid two fingers against her clit and tweaked it. She moaned again and convulsed around him, her orgasm causing her to cry out his name.
    And sending him over the edge in a blaze of heat so fierce, he thought he felt flames along his skin.

Chapter Four
    A hazy gray light outlined the shades in the bedroom when Cara woke.
    She didn’t move, didn’t want to wake Michael. He needed the sleep.
    The sex last night and again this morning had been amazing but probably ill-advised. The poor man had died and been revived only two days ago. They should’ve taken it a little easier.
    But a year without him, without any sex at all, had made her burn for him even more. Did he think that’s all she wanted from him? Just sex?
    She really needed to get out of bed before she decided to turn him over and start again.
    Aron had to be awake and was probably running Sal ragged. Then again, she didn’t think anything fazed Sal. Who was apparently having an affair with a goddess.
    At least that was the undertone she’d picked up. Now, she could be wrong but…
    Sliding out from under the arm Michael had wrapped around her waist, Cara managed to get off the bed without disturbing him. She stood for a moment, staring at him, tracing every harsh line of his face, every sleek line of his body.
    She loved him and last night he’d taken the first step toward making a future with her and Aron by agreeing to accept help.
    A querciola and a Mal . Her parents were probably wringing their hands in Aitás . Was she fooling herself? Would there be a happily-ever-after for them? Or would this all explode in their faces?
    Since she had no answers, she slipped on yoga capris and a t-shirt, not bothering with underwear. She’d spent so much of her life without it, she’d gotten used to going commando. Which really was a stupid saying…
    Walking down the stairs, she heard the high-pitched voice of Elmo and the giggle of her son along with the lower, huskier laugh of a woman.
    Another female voice said something and finally she heard Sal laugh, which set off Aron again.
    Since one of the female voices sounded like Hinthial , she immediately dropped into a curtsy when she reached the TV room.
    And nearly fell over in shock when she realized Hinthial wasn’t the only goddess in the room.
    The living Barbie doll curled up on the couch with Cara’s son on her lap gave a wry laugh as Cara’s knees nearly brushed the floor.
    “Ladies, welcome. I…”
    Hell, what did you say to goddesses besides beg their assistance?
    Nortia , Etruscan Goddess of Fate, sat on the couch holding her son. The blonde bombshell waved off anything else Cara might have said with a careless hand. “Don’t just stand there, hon. Come on in. Sit down. We’re learning about colors today, aren’t we, Aron ?”
    Hinthial glanced up at her from the floor where she was working the crossword puzzle in the local daily paper. Sal sat on the chair behind her, a cup of coffee in his hand, reading the sports section.
    If she hadn’t known who each of the players were, Cara might have thought she’d dropped into a Norman Rockwell painting, albeit one from another dimension.
    “There’s fresh coffee, babe.” Sal barely gave her a glance before returning to his paper. “Fresh-baked muffins in the warming drawer in the oven.”
    “Definitely try the apple cinnamon,” Nortia encouraged. “Those were yummy. You need to give me that recipe, Sal.”
    “Yeah, like you’re gonna bake.” Sal snorted. “Just put in an order, Norty , you know I’ll make them for you.”
    Okay, now she’d fallen into the Twilight

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