Seduced in Shadow
be taken in her mouth. He really had to get his mind off sex or…or Justin might catch them in the act when he arrived.
    Ellie moved her lips to say something but nothing came out. Not surprising since he’d probably just overturned her entire worldview. Most humans, even when confronted with irrefutable proof that there were other beings on the planet, refused to believe. It messed up their narrow outlook on life.
    Even though Ellie might be a little more open-minded than most humans, considering she could communicate with animals, she was still speechless, so he continued explaining. “My parents raised my brothers and me in the human world.
    They taught us how to fit in, how to hide the fact that we can make ourselves invisible 51
    Stephanie Julian
    by becoming smoke or mist or haze and that we can move faster than the human eye can see.”
    He didn’t want to go into the bassadone spell right now. It would confuse her even more. “The Fata have a longer lifespan than humans and we’re hard to injure.”
    Ellie drew in a breath as if she were going to ask a question. Then she held it so long he thought she might faint from lack of oxygen to the brain. When she finally released it, she just shook her head and didn’t say a word.
    Antonin wasn’t sure what she meant by that exactly but he took it to mean she wanted him to continue. He had to be careful though what he said now, because it wasn’t his place to tell her what she was. It was her father’s. Or Justin’s. And her brother would probably want to hang him by his ears if he spilled those beans. So what the hell else could he tell her?
    While he was thinking, she found her voice. “And the man at the park this morning? Who was he? Has he been following me too? Why did he pick this morning to try to take me?”
    “He’s part of a bigger organization we’re fighting and we’re pretty sure they want to get to Justin through you. But that’s probably something he should explain to you. I can tell you that your brother had someone watching over you. I’m not sure why they picked today to make a move. Maybe they thought they’d be able to find Justin without resorting to kidnapping you. I don’t know.”
    Her eyes narrowed. “But who wants Justin and why?”
    Damn, he hated not being able to tell her the whole story. He’d come inside her body, made her come in his arms. He wanted to take her back to bed. He’d never expected to fall quite so hard or so fast for this woman. Although he’d known she was special the first time he laid eyes on her.
    Antonin shook his head. “You’ll have to ask Justin.”
    Her head cocked to the side. “You don’t know?”
    Seduced in Shadow
    Yeah, he knew. He’d just sworn to keep his mouth shut, which didn’t sit well with Ellie. But he wished he could wipe away the hurt and confusion in her eyes so he took the only route open to him.
    Antonin closed the short distance between them in a heartbeat, wrapped a hand around her neck and covered her mouth with his.
    Ellie let him kiss her for all of three seconds before she pulled away, shaking her head.
    “No more of that.” She held a hand out in front of her. “You kiss me and I completely lose my train of thought. And don’t you dare smile at me like that.”
    Blessed Goddess, she was beautiful in her anger. Her eyes shot daggers in his direction and, with her chin jutted upward, she looked like a queen. Antonin continued smiling. He couldn’t help himself.
    “Oh you…” Ellie turned and threw the towel at him then she grabbed the t-shirt he’d given her and yanked it over her head. Next she pulled the boxers up her legs, rolling the waistband a couple of times to keep them on her hips.
    Maybe the clothes would help them keep some distance, even though he could feel his desire for her rising again. Fat chance!

    Ellie knew Antonin watched her every move. His slitted eyes burned into her as if she was performing a striptease and he’d been in jail for

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