Selling it All

Selling it All by Josie Daleiden Page A

Book: Selling it All by Josie Daleiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josie Daleiden
Tags: Fiction, adventure, Romance, funny, Temptation, fun, sell
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was Roxy. “Oh my God! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
She asked, while she picked up her spilled box of office stuff.
    Roxy hiked her white mini dress up and knelt
over to help. “I saw you and Mr. Nelson at the club. Did he tell
you that bullshit story about Joe?” She said with anger in her
    “What do you mean bullshit story?” Sarah
asked slowly.
    “Oh, that whole thing about the trailer park,
and the fire. That whole load of crap. He's been doing that for
years. Joseph Blake comes from old money back East. His actual,
living parents got tired of his boozing and womanizing, so they
shipped him out here to finish school. He's just a trust fund brat
that never grew up. He had Mr. Nelson do this little song and dance
to even things up. He's scared of you, so he's playing dirty. More
than usual.”
    Sarah sat there stooped over the cold cement.
She felt blood pounding in her veins as her anger broke free from
its reins and issued forth.
    “Arhghrhh!” Sarah took the little ceramic
Mickey Mouse figure that used to reside on her desk, and chucked it
as hard as she could. As little ceramic Mickey vaporized into a
thousand little shards against a nearby wall, she balled her fists
up and gritted her teeth in an attempt to control herself.
    “Cool off, girl. Look, you guys have one last
sale right?” Roxy said, while she stood back up and pulled her
little dress back over her legs.
    “Yeah. I didn't have anything planned though.
I was just hoping to get through my open house unscathed.”
She moped.
    “Well, I heard through the grapevine that
he's hosting some kind of church barbeque to win over the last
clients. It's some shindig that will be full of right wing goodie
two shoes types. If it goes well, the good minister from the
Evangelical Action Bible Church will make an offer right on the
    Sarah stood there processing what she was
just told. “Isn't that the ultra conservative Christian church that
always protests gay funerals?”
    Roxy smiled and nodded. “Yep, that's the one.
It's nothing but a bunch of sexually frustrated white bread
suburbanites, and you get to sabotage their party.” Roxy ran her
fingers through her straight red hair, as she giggled to
    “I'm guessing that you have something in mind
already?” Sarah asked with a smile.
    “Oh yeah, a big something!”
    Sarah stepped out of the shower and wrapped
her long hair with a towel. As she stood in her steamy little
bathroom, she paused to gather her thoughts about the day. The day. This was the one that made it or failed. While the
cold tile floor chilled her, she walked over to her coffee maker.
She listened to it while it chortled and gurgled happily in her
quiet condo. She poured herself a large mug, and sat down to ponder
why Joe had not called her yet. He usually let her know when
something was afoot. His giant ego made him a real braggart, and
she was fearing that whatever he had planned was going to be real
big. So big that even he was scared of the outcome.
    She thought back to the last planning session
with Jessica and Roxy. Man, she never knew those two cold be so
sadistic and weird! She was even doubting her own plans, as a text
buzzed in:
    Good luck Miss Bella! It'll be fun having you
as my underling ;)
    Sarah felt a twinge of relief at the sight of
Joe's text. She finally was coming to grips with the fact that she
had a bizarre sort of crush on him that was anything but healthy.
Part of her wanted to throw the towel in, just so she could be
around him as he ruled the world that she worked in. She knew there
was a sort of palpable bond between them. Their competitive little
escapades made them two parts of one entity. She didn't know if he
would ever acknowledge it, but she knew in her heart that he felt it.
    She thumbed out a retort:
    I already have a spot cleared off on my
mantle for your trophy Joey boy! = )
    She paused to sip her hot coffee while he
    Regardless, it's been fun. May

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