worried it’s going to be a huge pile of utter crap as I try to ignore my hideous guilt and fear of what Stacy might do or say because of my revoltingly inappropriate infidelities with her boyfriend.
Why, oh why couldn’t I just keep my hands… and lips… and the rest of it to myself? Why didn’t I push him away and say ‘no’? Why do I have this inability to keep my wits about me when he flirts with me or touches me like that ?
I wonder what’s happening with them now… I wonder if he’s getting one hell of a load of shit from her… or if he’s even taking it, he doesn’t seem to be able to hold his tongue when she gets him angry.
As I get to my room, I take my card key thing out of my clutch and open my door, and just as I step in, a large hand presses against the door next to me, holding it open, and I jump out of my skin thinking I’m about to get attacked in my own hotel room.
“Hi, Clare,” Oliver says about four milliseconds before I yell my heart out, and as I throw my hand against my chest in relief when I see who it is, he quickly apologises.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…”
“Jesus Christ, Oliver!”
He giggles a little bit and rests his hand on my arm “Sorry, sorry.”
I smile automatically at his; it’s a very infectious smile. “Phew. It’s okay, I just thought I was all alone, I didn’t hear anyone behind me.”
“I literally only just ran up to you, did you have a good night?”
“Yeah it was fun, I’m sorry you two didn’t make it out.” Not.
“No you’re not. You had a much better time without us, you’d never have relaxed if I was there with Stacy after what happened earlier.” He knows me so well.
“No, you’re right. About that…”
“Let me come in. I want to talk to you.”
I nod and walk further into my luxurious room as he closes the door behind us. I drop my shoes and clutch on the floor and sit on the end of the huge bed wondering what’s coming next.
“Bit tipsy?” he asks with a smile as I drop back onto the bed and close my eyes.
“Mmm hmm. Tired too.” I respond before opening my eyes again, “Can I get you a drink? I have a bottle of wine over there…”
“I’ll get it, you want one?”
“No but yes. A small one please.”
He chuckles and stands by the dresser pouring two glasses. I close my eyes again, I’m so tired.
“So, as I was saying, about earlier…”
“Why?” I ask in a quiet whine, still lying on the bed feeling sleepy. “Why did you tell her that, Oliver? I mean, my god, that’s the worst thing you could have said.”
“Oh, Clare…” he says as he sits on the bed next to me and I sit up to take the glass he offers, “I just needed to shut her the fuck up. She was so fucking nasty to you all the fucking time.”
“Could you say fuck or fucking a few more times please?” I say sarcastically through a giggle. “But so what, Oliver? I mean, I can take it…”
“I don’t care if you can take it, darling, you shouldn’t have to. She was about to ruin your birthday and no one is going to do that while I’m around.”
I smile. “That’s sweet of you, but I can look after myself you know.”
“I know. I just can’t stand by while that happens.”
“And to be fair, I deserved it.”
“You didn’t. I did, yes, because I was the one that was with her, I was the one that came on to you and I was the one that was unfaithful. Not you.”
“So how have you left it? Does she know you’re here?”
“No. She’s gone. I took her to the airport and we got her a flight back to the UK.”
“Oh wow. So you’re finished?”
“Yep. And if it makes you feel any better, Clare, she told me she’s been sleeping around from day one.”
“What? Why would she tell you that?”
“Well, initially, she told me in anger, told me I was the worst in the sack and that I had a lot to learn about how to please a woman.. .” See? I told you she’s completely, absolutely,
Jules Barnard
Max Brand
Patrick Bishop
Jake Woodhouse
Jim Holt
Renee Lewin
David Beers
Anne Eliot
Jackie Kennedy
Alison Ryan