Shades of the Wind

Shades of the Wind by Charlotte Boyett-Compo Page B

Book: Shades of the Wind by Charlotte Boyett-Compo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Boyett-Compo
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papers?” He nodded politely. “I
    take it they are Lord Bahru’s employment papers?”
    Kaelin’s brows drew together and he seemed puzzled.
    “Employment papers?” She looked closely at the lawgiver for the gentleman
    seemed not to be hearing her. “Lord Kaelin?”
    “Just Kaelin,” the lawgiver corrected absently, turning his head to look past her.
    Just as Holly’s eyes had done earlier, McGregor’s pale blue orbs glazed over for a
    moment. He blinked and then looked at her before snapping his fingers as though he
    had just remembered why he was there.
    “Ah, employment papers! Aye!” he agreed. “Where is my mind this morning?”
    Catherine watched him bend forward and take up his battered satchel, open it and
    rummage through the papers within until he found what he was looking for.
    Shades of the Wind
    “Let’s see.” He pulled up a folder, glanced at it and then opened it. He scanned it—
    appearing as though he were seeing it for the first time. “Well, here it is then. There is a
    contract for the duration of two years for Lord Bahru. Room and board and necessities
    provided by the Ben-Alkazar estate, a small salary of two hundred gold sovereigns to
    be paid at the end of Lord Bahru’s employment.”
    “You said there was a paper for me to sign?”
    Kaelin looked up at her expectantly then shuffled the papers until he found one that
    had her name on it. He perused it—his face turning a bit pale—then extended it toward
    her. “It is an offer for you to teach the children of Anubeion if you would be so inclined.
    There is a small annual stipend, of course.”
    “I would indeed!” Catherine exclaimed. “With or without a stipend! I really was
    wondering how I would spend my time here.”
    “Does that meet with your approval then, Kate?”
    “Yes, it certainly does.” Catherine wondered why he seemed relieved at her
    Once more McGregor’s brows clashed over his hawkish nose. One blond brow
    crooked upward. “There is another clause that offers you the chance to assist the prince.
    Would you be amenable to that as well?”
    For a reason she was unable to understand, Catherine felt a shiver of reluctance go
    down her spine at his words. Just exactly what did “to assist the prince” mean? She
    certainly hoped her employment was not meant to be along the lines of what the
    housekeeper’s was to the prince.
    “I have had nursing training,” she said. “Is that what you mean?”
    “That might be of help, but this employment refers to the position of being his
    personal assistant,” Kaelin was quick to say as though he had sensed her unease. “There
    is a lot of correspondence between the prince and his homeland, and he hates writing.”
    Catherine relaxed. “Oh I understand that only too well. Both my father and Lord
    Bahru are the same way.”
    He gathered the papers together and took them over to the desk, placed them on
    the top and took up a quill pen. “If you’ll just sign at the Xs…”
    How eager he is to have me put my signature to those , she thought as she stood and
    walked to the desk. Her uneasiness was increasing as she allowed him to pull out a
    chair for her to sit. Once seated, she looked up at him.
    “May I read the paper first?” she asked, taking the pen from him. She watched as
    his face first went deathly pale then became quickly infused with high color.
    “You don’t trust me?” he queried, his gaze too sharp and a touch on the frosty side.
    “I have always been taught that before I put my name to any legal document, I
    should first read it thoroughly and understand it,” she replied. “I mean no offense to
    you or His Grace, but I am a very cautious person, Milord McGregor.”
    Charlotte Boyett-Compo
    “Kaelin,” he corrected again, this time with clenched teeth. He started to say
    something else then stopped, his head going up as though someone had called his name
    sharply to get his attention.
    What do these people hear that I

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