Shadows in the Dark

Shadows in the Dark by Hunter England Page A

Book: Shadows in the Dark by Hunter England Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hunter England
Tags: Fiction, Short Stories, collection, Special
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smoke seeped through. There was
a fire in the bathroom.
    I ran over to it and quickly
opened the door. Instantly, smoke spewed into my face, making me
cough, sending some into my lungs. I ran in for the fire to put it
out, but something threw me back into the room.
    I landed on the bed, dazed and
confused. I looked up and saw a boy standing next to the bathroom
door. He was wearing a black hoodie and had the hood up. I jolted
up and stared at him.
    “What the hell? Put the fire out!”
I yelled. The boy stood there, not moving. That’s when I ran for
the door, but was stopped by the boy again. He grabbed me and threw
me into the wall, pressing me against it with his upper arm against
my neck.
    “What are you
doing here?” he growled. “This is my room! What the hell do you think
you’re doing?” I tried to answer, but I couldn’t even breathe with
his arm against my throat. I only looked over at the fire and saw
that it now covered the whole bathroom. I frantically pointed at
it, trying to get his attention.
    “Yes,” he said,
“I realize there’s a fire in the bathroom. I’m practicing for something. Something
you wouldn’t understand!” The fire seeped through the bathroom
entrance and was now started to catch the room on fire. I kept on
frantically pointing at it, but he stared at me. For a second, he
did nothing. Then he lifted his hand towards the fire and closed
it, as if he was catching something. To my surprise, the fire
instantly went out.
    “Now,” he said, bringing his face
closer to mine. “What are you doing in my motel room?
    … ..
    Walking home alone in the middle
of the night isn’t the most fun thing to do. But, hey, that’s what
I get for staying in the football field bathroom for hours. I
didn’t have to be smart to know that my parents were going to kill
me. As soon as I walk through that door, my life is
    Walking alone,
only having headlights and street lamps lead the way wasn’t what
was bothering me. The thing that was bothering me was... what
if it happens
again? After hours of freaking out, I finally calmed down. Yeah, I
can move things with my mind. What’s that called again? Telekinesis?
    I didn’t know
how to control it. All I know is that, when it happened, I
was pissed . I
think that’s what triggered it. Now, if only I could learn how to
make it happen again. But on purpose.
    I could see my
house down the street once I turned the corner at the stop sign.
The porch light was still on, meaning my parents were awake. I
didn’t know what to really tell them. I can’t just go up to them
and say, “Hey, guys! Guess what? I have Telekinesis!”
    First off, they wouldn’t believe
me. Second off, if they did, I’d be sent somewhere so they could
figure out how to get rid of it. What? You think my parents
wouldn’t do that because they “love” me too much? Well, you thought
wrong. My parents couldn’t care less about me.
    As I walked up to my front door, I
could already see my parents on the couch through the window. They
didn’t seem too happy. I inhaled deeply and slowly grabbed the door
handle. I prepared myself.
    “ Where the hell were you?” Mom
yelled as I walked through the door. Both of them sat up and glared
at me. I didn’t really answer. I just kind of walked passed them
and locked myself in my room. They didn’t bother to beat down my
door, let alone knock on it. See what I mean?
    I just laid down on my bed and
stared at the ceiling, wanting to forget tonight. Why did this have
to happen to me? Out of all people, it happens to the girl who
doesn’t talk to anyone? The girl who has two jerks for parents? The
girl who avoided people in general her whole life? I just didn’t
get it. Why me?
    I looked over at my clock that
rested on my nightstand. It was three o’clock in the morning. Had I
stayed there that long?
    Sighing, I faced the wall. I
started staring at the small cracks and

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