Shifting Changes (The First Shift)

Shifting Changes (The First Shift) by Sage Marlowe Page B

Book: Shifting Changes (The First Shift) by Sage Marlowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sage Marlowe
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fringe. “You see, I appreciate
female beauty and…they smell nice and have such gorgeous, soft bodies, but
giving in to that means giving up my freedom. If I allow myself to be with a
woman, I’ll lose the last chance I have to…” He bit his lip. “Leading my mother
to believe that I’m gay is the only way I have to keep her from making me find
my mate.”
frowned. “What’s so bad about finding your mate? It’s the best thing that can
possibly happen to a shifter.”
shook his head impatiently. “If I have a mate, the future queen of Atraya, I will
have to become king and I’m not ready for that, Faolan. I’m only twenty-one. There
is more I want to do with my life than sit through meetings and talk about my
country’s economy or ways to increase the growth rate of our population. There
are so many things I haven’t done yet, so many places I still want to see. I
don’t want to get tied down just yet. And…those babies. I’m not ready for
know.” For the first time, Faolan looked at him with sympathy. “That’s the real
reason you ran away, isn’t it? It’s a lot of responsibility for someone so
young. I understand that. But it’s your duty. You were born into this position,
and you have to take the bad parts with the good parts. You grew up in a
beautiful home, with dozens of servants just waiting to fulfil your every wish.
Maybe it’s time for you to pay some of that back.”
rubbed his forehead. He felt tired all of a sudden. Tired and emotionally
exhausted, but most of all he longed for affection, now more than ever. What he’d
assumed to be merely pent-up sexual tension turned out to be a craving for
something deeper.
took a step toward Faolan and lowered his head as he stopped in front of him. “Can
you…” He couldn’t make himself say it, so he just looked up and hoped that his
eyes would transmit the message. Faolan understood his wordless plea. He
reached out and folded his bulky arms around Shayonn, pulling him into a tight
bear hug. Shayonn hesitated briefly, then let his head sink on Faolan’s massive
felt so good to simply be held like this. He couldn’t remember the last time
someone had just embraced him. His mother had never been one for cuddles and
the few sex partners he’d had in uni hadn’t been around to stay after the quick
stolen moments in each other’s bedrooms or outside. The hold of Faolan’s arms
tightened and Shayonn was reminded of the other man’s immense, feral strength.
His earlier arousal returned, going from the barely noticeable buzz in the pit
of his stomach to a burning need in his groin within seconds.
cock filled and it was all Shayonn could do to not just start humping Faolan’s
thigh. A gasp slipped from his lips and he rearranged his position, bringing
his lips to Faolan’s neck and the bare patch of skin. He kissed it, licked it
with the tip of his tongue, savouring the flavours he remembered so well.
Faolan responded with a low growl and a tilt of his hips that brought the hard
ridge of his own erection in line with Shayonn’s.
the tight embrace, Shayonn leaned back a bit so he could undo the buttons on
Faolan’s shirt. Faolan chuckled. “Easy, kid. We’re outside, remember?”
Shayonn panted, impatiently tugging at the reluctant buttons. “But this corner
can’t be seen from the palace and no one ever comes here, apart from the
gardener. He was here only yesterday, so we’re safe.”
about your mother?”
about her?”
don’t think she’d be too pleased if I fucked her son in her own back yard.”
snorted. “With everything that you know about my mother, do you honestly think
she’d give a toss? She’s going to marry me off as soon as she can with the sole
aim for me to have children.” He shot Faolan a wink. “Besides, what makes you
think you get to fuck her son in her back yard?”

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