Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly

Book: Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) by Amanda Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Kelly
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was always bargaining. “Deal but first
let’s work up an appetite with the Cliff Diver.”

    I had noticed the Cliff Diver from out
in the parking lot before even entering the park and was intrigued by it. It
was the tallest ride I’d ever seen and its function was to slowly take you to
the top and then allow you to freefall down at incredible speeds. It would jolt
to a stop at random intervals so you never knew where it would stop or even if
it would. You simply bounced around waiting to see which direction it would
bring you next, further up and then down again or straight down. I was pumped.
    “So where’s everyone else?” Jay asked.
    “They went on Green Thing.” Logan pointed over to what must have been
one of the newer roller coasters at Zoomly’s. The thing was huge, spanned most
the park with its winding and flipping, and had an almost completely vertical
drop from the highest point. Not surprisingly it was lime green and looked
freshly painted. “It’s not my thing so I came to find you two.”
    I looked at him. “You don’t like
heights?” If not, I thought the Cliff Diver might not be a good idea for him.
    Jay answered “Nah, he’s good with
heights. It’s the twisting that makes him sick, always has.”
    Smirking, he said “It’s true. It
involves a traumatic story with a tire swing.”
    I looked skeptically at him but decided
to let it go as we got in line. I faced the guys, “You ready for this, James
    He cringed slightly at the use of his
full name. I considered it a small triumph. “Piece of cake” he replied “and
F.Y.I. you’ve been hanging out with my uncle too much.”
    I laughed. “That doesn’t bother me. Doc
is awesome. Logan , you sure you’re ok with this ride?”
    “Hell yeah, no twisting, just straight
flying, you feel me?”
    I looked all the way up at the ride
once again. “Definitely.”
    I thought about flying and I missed my
broom with a yearning so deep, it took my breath away. My broom was the one
thing my parents would not allow me to bring. There wasn’t any situation, they
said, that I would need it for. They’d also made me swear on my magic that I
wouldn’t spell another broom to fly unless a life or death situation required
it. Which we all knew, wasn’t ever going to happen. Flying wasn’t much of a
defense for anything and there were quicker means for transportation.
    Didn’t they understand that flying to a
witch was like flowers to the earth? Neither was necessary but they made life
better, more beautiful. I lamented my broom mournfully but tried to look
forward to this sort of flying. Diluting myself with this ride for a few short
minutes was better than nothing.
    The seats were placed as two together,
a space, and then two more together. You were strapped into the seat and a bar
came from above your seat to hold you in place. A red-haired girl, no more than
13, eyed Logan and when our turn to get on the ride
came up, she hurried to sit next to him. According to the grumbles behind us,
she was ditching her friends in the process. There was that space, then I sat
on the inside and Jay on the outside.
    As we slowly ascended, anticipation
that felt a lot like butterflies filled me. The ground was getting further away
and everything became so much smaller. I gripped the bar hard. “Jay?”
    Even though the belt kept me pretty
secure, I managed to move my head just a little and turned towards him. “I’m
glad we’re eating after we ride this.” I joked.
    He turned his head towards me and I was
shocked by the light in his eyes. Energy and excitement shone out of him. I
gasped involuntarily at the beauty of him in that moment. “I know what you
mean.” He said, laughing.
    I nodded, speechless. I was staring at
him one second and then the next, the cold wind rushed up at me, pushing me
back. I faced forward and watched as we plummeted into the world, gripping my
bar and screaming my head off. We were

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