Shoot Out (The Baltimore Banners Book 7)

Shoot Out (The Baltimore Banners Book 7) by Lisa B. Kamps Page A

Book: Shoot Out (The Baltimore Banners Book 7) by Lisa B. Kamps Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa B. Kamps
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imagination, or was she still uncomfortable? More uncomfortable than before? Which made no sense so maybe it was just his imagination. He leaned back in the seat, hoping he looked relaxed and confident, something he wasn't exactly feeling at the moment. Which was ridiculous. He wasn't normally like this, so hesitant and uncertain. What was it about this woman in particular that made him feel so inadequate? Maybe it wasn't her, maybe it was the comments from all the guys that morning in New Orleans, from the jokes and ribs he'd had to endure the rest of that trip.
    The jokes and ribbing he was still enduring.
    It didn't matter. At least, it shouldn't matter. And he should really try to find something to talk about, because he didn't want this entire ride to be done in silence. Especially if he wanted to find some way to see her again.
    "So how was your flight?"
    "My flight?"
    "Yeah. Last month. Um, from New Orleans?" And now he just felt like an idiot again for even bringing it up. He hadn't meant it as a reminder of their night together but he got the feeling she was taking it that way because he could see a small flush paint her cheeks a pale pink. Or maybe that was just a reflection of the sinking sun.
    "It was fine. I guess. I've never really flown much before so I don't know if all the jumping and bouncing was normal or not."
    "Turbulence. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of that myself."
    "I guess you fly a lot, huh?"
    "Yeah. During the season, especially."
    Nicole nodded. Silence settled over the interior once more, still heavy but not as oppressive. Maybe she was feeling a little more comfortable. Or maybe Mat was just being a little too optimistic.
    She looked over. Was it his imagination, or was that a hint of smile teasing her mouth? "Did you enjoy the rest of your trip?"
    Mat wanted to tell her the truth: no. Because he had been worrying about her, thinking about her, dreaming about her. But he couldn't tell her that, not without sounding like a complete fool, so he nodded and gave her a small smile. "Yeah, it wasn't bad. I was glad to get home though. I can only take so much of New Orleans. It's a great city, don't get me wrong, but sometimes the crowds get to me."
    Nicole nodded but he got the impression she didn't exactly agree with him. Great. Nothing like putting more distance between them by pointing out their differences. He cleared his throat and glanced over at her. "How about you? Did you enjoy your stay?"
    A bright smile lit her face as she looked over at him. Really looked, not just a quick uncomfortable glance. "I had so much fun. It was my first time there and oh my God. The people, the smells, the tastes. It was so much better than I imagined. I'd love to go back again when I can stay longer, spend more time there and really get to know it."
    "That's right, you didn't stay long, did you?"
    "No, just two nights. That was all I could aff—I mean, all I could swing. With work, I mean."
    He caught the word, mentally finished it even though she didn't. She was going to say 'afford'. Mat suddenly wondered if maybe she was embarrassed by that and he wanted to tell her not to be. But he didn't want to make her uncomfortable again so he just nodded.
    "You'll have to let me know when you go back. Maybe I can tell you some different places to go or see."
    "Yeah. Maybe."
    But she didn't look convinced, like she already knew she wouldn't be going back. And Mat suddenly wanted nothing more than to prove her wrong. To turn the car around and go straight to the airport and take her away, right back to New Orleans so she should could explore it for as long as she wanted. Anything to see her face light up the way it had just a moment ago.
    Except some people would probably call that kidnapping.
    "Well, I'm glad you had fun." He cleared his throat and offered her a grin, wondering if he sounded as idiotic as he felt. She glanced over at him and smiled but just a small one, not nearly as bright as before.
    "I did. And I got some

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