Silenced By Syrah

Silenced By Syrah by Michele Scott Page A

Book: Silenced By Syrah by Michele Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Scott
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    Had it been that long?
    “I want to take our relationship further,” he continued.
    “No. You want to take me to Spain.”
    “Yes. I do. I want to show you my culture. Where I’m from. My dreams. I want you to be a part of those dreams. Won’t you come with me?”
    She turned around to face him. Hot tears burned her eyes. She didn’t even quite understand what they were all about. All she could say was, “I don’t know.”
    He shrugged. “At least it’s not a no. I’m sorry I went behind your back to talk with Derek. I wanted to surprise you, have everything taken care of.”
    Her tone softened. “Andrés, I don’t need anyone to take care of everything for me. I actually like doing things on my own, for myself. And, talking to Derek about a decision like this would have been one of them.” It bothered her that Andrés had done this. What were his motives, really? Were they as simple as he claimed? That he was trying to make it easy? For whom? Himself? Did he feel Derek a threat, and did jealousy come into play? And, what about her boss? Being so willing to let her go for six months? Ugh. Men.
    “I know you don’t need me to take care of things for you. Maybe I wish you did. I’m sorry. Will you think about my offer?”
    “I’ll think about it.”
    He kissed her again, only this time on the cheek. “I know after today you must be tired. Please keep your doors locked, and find a better place to put the key.”
    “I will. Besides, I have a bed buddy to take care of me.”
    Andrés raised his brows. Nikki pointed at Ollie.
    “Let me clean up for you.”
    “No.” She almost said it too curtly. “I mean. I’m tired and I really kind of want to settle in. There isn’t a lot to pick up. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
    He nodded and she watched as he went to his car, his head low. Maybe she should have been nicer, but dammit if she wasn’t peeved at both him and Derek. And, Derek . . . Now really, what was up with that? Saying she could take off for six months. She managed this place. They needed her. Didn’t they? Maybe Derek didn’t need her after all. And, Spain? Beautiful country. She’d never been there but had heard, and Aunt Cara was on her extended tour through Europe. The tour that was only supposed to last six weeks, but had now lasted two years and a handful of boyfriends. Yes, her aunt was enjoying retirement, and she could see her if she went to Spain. She missed her something terrible.
    And, Andrés. Was she falling in love with him? Oh God. Could you fall in love or be in love with one man and still lust after another? Sure you could. What was the saying—you can look at the menu, you just can’t order? Hmmm. Her stomach fell as the questions within deepened. But could a woman love two men at once? Maybe. No. No. She didn’t think so. Not in her case, anyway.
    She took the dirty dishes into the kitchen, Ollie at her heels hoping she’d drop a scrap from dinner. There was nothing left to drop. It had all been so delicious. Andrés could cook, and he was fun, and sweet, and handsome—all of those things. But was he just too much of a good thing, or was he the good thing she really wanted? She set the dishes into the sink and turned on her stereo. Bono belted out a line from “Tryin’ to Throw Your Arms around the World” about a woman needing a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
    Ten minutes later, her head spinning from wine and too many unanswered questions, she got into her favorite jammies—men’s boxers and an oversized T-shirt—and plopped down on her couch, still listening to U2. Her feet propped up on her distressed wooden coffee table, a pillow underneath them, Ollie resting his head in her lap, surely wishing he were small enough to climb into it. He always tried and she always had to explain to the giant oaf that it was impossible. He’d have to be content with a headrest.
    She closed her eyes and let her tired body and mind drift to

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