Sinful Magic

Sinful Magic by Jennifer Lyon Page A

Book: Sinful Magic by Jennifer Lyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Lyon
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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file to my phone. Look for yourself.”
    Her palms were slick with sweat, but she took the BlackBerry. The throb spread to her entire head as she went through five pages of different witches with the schema, although none of them had the complete schema as she did. “This was on Mack’s computer?”
    “Same place I got the picture of your schema.”
    Handing his phone back, she felt the betrayal burn in her chest. “You’re sure about this? That Mack was drugging me to take me to your brother?”
    Key shoved his phone into his pocket. “I called the phone number we got off Mack’s computer—it was my brother’s voice mail. Sutton will try to track the phone, but it’ll be a prepaid. I went out searching for any sign of him last night, but didn’t find anything.” He stared down at her, frustration tightening his face. “You said you’re latent. When do fertility witches come into their power?”
    Roxy was so rattled, she answered without thinking. “When they find their Awakening.”
    He sat next to her. “Which is?”
    She hesitated, her hand digging into the bedspread between them.
    “Roxy, we’re trying to help.” He covered her hand. “Witches are being killed.”
    The warmth of his fingers covering hers raced up her arm, inflaming her schema while settling her churning stomach. “A man. The fertility witch has to find the man that causes the chemical reaction in her to release the magic in her chakras. If the witch doesn’t find him, her chakras die off, and she becomes mortal.”
    “The schemas with color
    “Means the witch found her Awakening,” she explained. “The full color means they had sex.”
    “Sex magic,” he said softly. “Your power is based in sex.”
    She looked over at the hunter next to her. Images filled her mind—Kieran pushing her back, covering her with his huge body, and then kissing her. Heat pulsed in her schema, sending out those tendrils of desire to flicker enticingly. What was wrong with her? She never fantasized! Just being near him for a few minutes weakened her. She needed distance. She was so close to her chakras dying. Ignoring the desire forming a throb between her legs, she pulled her hand free and stood up. “I’ll be careful. I’m moving to a friend’s room and—”
    “Not good enough,” he practically roared at her.
    Pinned between his huge body and the bed, she couldn’t step back. “What is wrong with you? You warned me, your job here is done.”
    He ground his jaw, his hands flexing at his sides. “My job is to protect you. We’ll move you into my room and—”
    “No, and I’m not your job!” Even if he hadn’t been her Awakening, she wasn’t moving into a man’s room, a man who was practically a stranger. A man who drew a naked picture of her cut and bleeding on his wall. She could hire a bodyguard, if needed.
    He put his hands on her shoulders. “Do fertility witches have needs?”
    His warm hands made her catch her breath. “Needs?”
    He caressed soft circles. “I can feel you, I know you respond to me.” He lowered his head, and said in a thick tone, “I can smell your caramel desire.”
    Too much! Roxy froze beneath the onslaught. The feel of his warm hands sliding down her arms, and then back up and over her shoulders. He brushed his full mouth, so solid and hot, against hers. Tremors ran down her spine, her nipples tightened, and a pulse began to beat deep in her pelvis. It was more than she could handle. “What are you doing?” She meant to yell, to push him away, but it came out a soft whisper.
    He raised his hand to capture her face. His eyes were igniting to a fierce blue. Pulling his head back a fraction, he said, “You feel it, too, there’s a pull between us.” He pressed his swollen cock against her belly, “I want to give you pleasure, give you everything you need.”
    Frustrated fury nearly choked her. She had to get away from him! The pinpricks in her schema intensified to a near burning, crying out for the touch of her Awakening. He was turning her into exactly what she

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