Siren Nights (Series Part 1) (The Lure)

Siren Nights (Series Part 1) (The Lure) by Jennifer Lewis Page B

Book: Siren Nights (Series Part 1) (The Lure) by Jennifer Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Lewis
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nothing else, but be his prey.
    Nothing else, but prey, I told the voice
and at last I achieved a sort of calm as he brought his head to my thigh -- and
plunged into me. Another cry seeped from my lips as his fangs pierced skin and
muscle, a pain deeper than anything I’d ever felt before, along with a rush
like nothing else I’d ever felt. I kicked my free leg out, in agony and
    He withdrew quickly and sunk his teeth into
my side. I moaned again and my hands jerked in spasms.
    His teeth roamed all over my body, piercing
and splitting me open. Blood flowed forth and my body shuddered with every new
wound. I was dying, I thought. He would kill me.
    At last, he stared deeply into my eyes as
my vision swam. I could no longer even lift my hand to stop him and he sunk
deeply into my neck.
    I felt a presence within me or was I the
presence within Him? Feverishly, I saw visions of fields and valleys and
ancient cities, mixed with scenes of my own past of mothers and school and
boyfriends. They swarmed my mind like floating clouds.
    How small and petty my memories looked
beside HIS, I thought and gradually they grew smaller and less frequent. I saw
a tower worked of bone and black metal that stretched to the heavens; then a
great stepped pyramid adorned in gold. For only a moment, I saw the house I
grew up in on, then a sprawling city surrounded by waves.
    My being was subsuming into HIS and I found
that I did not care.
    No one would miss me, I thought. No one
needed this tiny, worthless existence. Being a part of HIM, I thought, was
worth so much more than being me.
    He would remember me, I said to myself as
consciousness fled away. That would be enough.

Chapter 12: A New Peril
    It was dark and my head hurt. I was sitting
on uneven ground. I couldn’t move my hands.
    I realized it was dark because my eyes were
    I opened them, slowly. The light shot into
my skull and I winced painfully.
    Slowly, the picture became clearer. It was
daytime, but the room was covered in shadow. I was in a warehouse. I was alone.
    Alone? My eyes flew open and I looked
around frantically. No one else was in the room. I breathed a sigh of relief.
    I looked up at my wrists. They were tied to
a vertical beam. My head swam and I closed my eyes again until the worst of it
    I had been captured by another vampire.
    This was starting to get old, I thought in
frustration. I had thought my ordeal in Jason’s room would be the end of it,
but it seemed things only got worse. For one thing, my shirt was still open and
in tatters, some of the buttons were gone and my underwear lay in a shredded
mess next to me.
    Well, enough was enough. I had had it with
sticking around and waiting for people to release me. I took a deep breath to
calm myself; now was no time for my emotions to get the better of me.
    I looked around for something of use,
something anywhere. There was a door across the room and a large frosted window
to my right that seemed like it overlooked the rest of the warehouse. Behind me
was the window that Roloth and I had entered. None of the exits were within
    My eyes fell on my purse, lying by my feet
next to the bag Claire had given me.
    I reached out a leg and hooked it closer,
then bent over, fishing for the flap with my teeth. My head spun as I bobbed
for it, finally snagging one edge of the leather in my mouth. I flicked my head
and the flap fell open.
    My phone was still inside, I saw with a
flash of relief. I just had to get it somehow.
    I twisted my wrists. My hands were
handcuffed together and the chain led behind the narrow beam. I could slide
them up and down, but not far enough to reach the phone.
    I put the opened purse between my knees,
then slid down until my shoulder blades touched the stained concrete ground.
Hiking my knees up, I barely managed to grab the purse in my shaking right
hand. I fumbled around desperately, finally managing to snag the phone inside
and drop the rest. I twisted my head to the

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