Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny

Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny by Tempe O'Kun Page B

Book: Sixes Wild: Manifest Destiny by Tempe O'Kun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tempe O'Kun
Tags: Fiction, furry
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leap down between the rocks. My fangs sink deep into the flesh of its neck.
    The lizard squawks in terror as it realizes its life will soon end, must soon end. Sometimes, you just need to crush the life out of something to feel yourself again.
    Mei Xiu joins me now. Together we bathe in the gore of the beast, ripping its pulsing entrails out and gutting them down like pure animals. Our vivid pelts dye to a gristly rust, a perfect match. In this moment, I can almost forget about that rabbit fouling up my plans again. Again.
    I tear into the lizard’s flesh, picturing that rabbit in its place.

    You’re gonna lick it?!
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Wind whips my coat. Night air chills clear through my fur. Loose steps clatter under my boots.
    I knock hard, giving the street the old up-down. I reckon nobody should be out to see me at this hour. But then, two months back I never reckoned I’d be back in this burg neither.
    I find myself fingering my iron out of habit. Makes me feel better, touching them, these last three days in particular. I’m not easy to rattle, but I’ve been feeling eyes on my back ever since I snuck back off Hayes’ property.
    I start to think better of showing up here, but my guns get to whispering again. The echo mutters under every gust of wind, tugging me back whenever I step away.
    I knock again. Some minor clamoring, then I hear footsteps inside. Soft, like the fella isn’t wearing boots.
    Door swings open and who do I see but Sheriff Jordan Blake, wearing long johns, a gunbelt, and not a thread more. Seeing him makes my heart beat a whole different kind of anxious. I let my ears drop and he jumps like he’s been struck by lightning.
    “Howdy, Sheriff.” My eyes trace around the room, then down those long johns. “You alone?”
    “Y-yes. What are you doin’ here?”
    “This.” Before I can think better of it, my paws seize on his chest fur. I pull him into a kiss, one leg kicking the door shut after myself. No sense in making this a public event. Folk might start to talk if the good sheriff was seen associating with bunnies unknown, especially ones looking to be of the coarser sex. Before he knows what’s what, I’ve got him pressed against the wall again. My little heart is racing, just like no time passed at all. My guns hum. We knock a few wanted posters down before I pull back.
    Once he can breathe again, he manages to say: “Well, I…umm… Nice to see you too, ma’am.” I’ve got him so flustered he reaches up to tip a hat that isn’t there.
    My paws smooth the thin fabric over his chest. “Don’t you go callin’ me ‘ma’am.’” I look up at him all playful-like, but he’s already looking at me. Got a real heart-melter of a look to him too. This balls me up inside and I look back down, blushing. Standing beside the window, his eyes are right lovely in the starlight. Almost make me forget the trouble that drove me here. For the moment, though, I’ve got another sort of trouble in mind.
    “What brings you through these parts?”
    My muzzle brushes along his long, funny one. The short fuzz there tickles me something fierce. I do my damnedest not to think about the mine, but my whole body feels tight as a whip, frozen, and not from the night air. “I don’t care to speak on that just now.”
    His wings wrap around me like two soft, living blankets. I am a touch surprised he is willing to let me so close to them. I can’t help but glance at that scar I gave him, though I resist the urge to pester him about it further.
    For a spell, we just stand there in the hall, breathing in the night. The hallway is narrow and a dying lantern on a nail is the only light. Now that I am inside, I can smell the sour tang of my own fear. I’m sure he can smell it too because he brushes one of his fancy wing thumbs down my arm and asks all soothing: “You aren’t gonna bolt on me again?”
    “Don’t know what I can promise.” My little fluff of tail bounces unbidden

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