Skinny Bitch

Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman Page B

Book: Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rory Freedman
Tags: General, Health & Fitness
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television and music.125
    Pigs can play video games! They’ve been labeled as more intelligent than dogs and three-year-old humans. They too can indicate their temperature preferences.126
    Even fish have feelings. Dr. Donald Broom, scientific adviser to the British government, explains, “The scientific literature is quite clear. Anatomically, physiologically and biologically, the pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds and animals.” Fish, like
    “higher vertebrates,” have neurotransmitters similar to endorphins that relieve suffering. Of course, the only reason for their nervous systems to produce painkillers is to relieve pain.127
    Animals hear the screaming and crying of other animals being slaughtered and are terrified. They know they are about to be killed and they are panic-stricken. When their young are taken from them, cows kick stall walls in rage and frustration and literally cry with grief.
    Think of how you feel when you are angry, afraid, and grief-stricken.
    Bear in mind the physical feelings that accompany these emotions.
    These emotions—fear, grief, and rage—produce chemical changes in our bodies. They do the same to animals. Their blood pressures rise. Adrenaline courses through their bodies. You are eating high blood pressure, stress, and adrenaline. You are eating fear, grief, and rage. You are eating suffering, horror, and murder. You are eating cruelty. You are what you eat. You cannot be thin and beautiful with a glowing complexion when you eat fear, grief, and rage.
    Although a minuscule percentage of “meat” in the United States comes from free-range farms, how do you even know it is really free-range? Companies want us to believe that products labeled “free-range” or “free-roaming” are derived from animals that spent their short lives outdoors, enjoying sunshine, fresh air, and the company of other animals. But labels—other than “organic” on egg cartons—are not subject to any government regulations. In addition, the USDA doesn’t regulate “free-range” or “free-roaming” claims for beef products.128 Because there are no agencies governing these claims, do you take the word of someone who makes a living on blood money? And even if the farm was free-range and humane, the animals are still being sent to horrific slaughterhouses.
    (An undercover video of a kosher slaughterhouse revealed animals suffering the same abuse and torture.)129 Many animals don’t even survive the transport from their factory or free-range farm to slaughter. The only law in existence dictating care for transported animals is related to train transport. But it just so happens that 95 percent of animals are transported by truck .130 They receive no food or water and no protection from the elements. Hundreds of thousands of animals are dead on arrival or too injured or sick to move.
    They don’t get to stop for bathroom breaks, so the animals are forced to stand in their own urine and feces. In the wintertime, the animals’ flesh and feet will actually freeze to the bottom and sides of the truck. So upon arrival, they are literally ripped away from the truck. One worker interviewed by Eisnitz said, “They freeze to that steel railing. They’re still alive, and they’ll hook a cable on it and pull it out, maybe pull a leg off.”131
    Assuming you started with a healthy animal (highly unlikely), you’ve now eaten hormones, pesticides, steroids, antibiotics, fear, grief, and rage. You are what you eat. But what if the animal wasn’t healthy? Animals that are too sick or injured to walk are literally dragged to slaughter, one end of a chain attached to the animal, the other to a truck. The USDA still allowed these animals, referred to as “downers,” to be slaughtered for human consumption until 2004.
    Finally, with the outbreak of more mad cow disease cases (a deadly and incurable disease that can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of cow flesh), they came to

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