Sleepless in Savannah

Sleepless in Savannah by Rita Herron Page A

Book: Sleepless in Savannah by Rita Herron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Herron
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toward their neighboring hotel rooms. Music and laughter floated around them; two lovers lay cuddled inside a hammock by the pool, laughing softly.
    Sophie's heart ached to have that connection with a man. But as she said good-night to Rory, she knew that it wouldn't happen with him.
    Maybe it never would with anyone.
    * * *
    Lucy Lane was well aware her sister worried about her, but what the heck was all the fuss? Lucy and Sophie had managed fine on their own since they were teenagers, had shared an apartment in one of the most exciting cities in the nation, dated constantly, and had nightly tips literally coming out of their ears, er, their bras.
    Then Sophie had gotten this bug up her butt that their dancing act wasn't respectable, that she wanted to have a "real" career, to get married one day, and she had run out on the show and their life in Las Vegas.
    If Lucy had her way, she'd convince Sophie to return to the Vegas show. She didn't particularly want Sophie to get married either; then Lucy wouldn't see her much, and things would never be the same between them. Lucy would be alone—more alone than she was now.
    She hated being alone. Hated the dark at night. Had even brought her nightlight with her.
    Granted, their Diva act was thriving, and Lucy had brought down the house a few times, but she missed her sister desperately. Although she was proud of Sophie's TV show, some of her guests were a tad too conservative. She had enjoyed the "Marry Me or Move On" segment with Sophie's friend, Maddie, though, and when Chase Holloway had proposed to Maddie onstage, Lucy had bawled like a baby. The "Dating Game" episode was great, too, all those yumlicious hunks to choose from. How in the world had Sophie picked just one?
    The flight attendant sailed by, indicating for people to buckle their seat belts and return their seats to the upright positions. Lucy did so reluctantly, patting the arm of the man beside her. On a plane, her nerves normally bounced like a rubber ball, but this time she'd tied a lucky charm around her neck, so she felt assured they wouldn't have problems.
    "Thanks for letting me nap on your shoulder."
    He gave her the once-over. "Anytime."
    Honestly, she loved men. They could be so... easy. And this one was handsome, tall, dark skinned, and blond. Norwegian-looking.
    He slid a business card toward her. "I'm Ray, here on business for a few days. I'm staying at the Hamilton-Turner mansion. Call me if you get lonely."
    Lucy smiled, fluffing her wild strawberry blond curls. "Thanks, sugar. I'm here on business, too, but I intend to explore Savannah's nightlife while I'm in town."
    The plane hit the runway, jerking them slightly, and they both laughed. Lucy stuffed the card into the front of her silk blouse, grinning when his eyes followed the movement. The plane ground to a halt and everyone stood, gathering their overhead luggage.
    The man retrieved his briefcase, then gestured toward the silver suitcase. "This one yours?"
    "Yes, my work. I didn't want to take a chance on it not making it."
    "I know what you mean. I'd lose a big deal if I showed up at my meeting without the papers in my briefcase."
    Lucy laughed, wondering whether to reveal her job to the man and try to make a sale. If she did show him the contents of her case, he might think she was coming on to him, and get the wrong idea.
    Then again, Lucy could handle herself. Besides, it wasn't like Sophie was at home waiting on her tonight. The house would be empty. She'd let herself in when she arrived and Sophie would never know how late she'd stayed out.
    Businessmen/bachelors were an untapped market for her Sleepover, Inc., parties—the perfect gift for a wife, girlfriend, lover.... Maybe she and Ray could see the town; then she could show him some of her products and end the night by closing a sale.
    "You know, Ray, I'm staying at my sister's, but she's not home tonight. If you want, we could get a drink somewhere."
    Ray raked a hand over his chin.

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