
Snared by KRIS NORRIS Page B

Book: Snared by KRIS NORRIS Read Free Book Online
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while strutting through the house naked had some advantages, she needed to have that small barrier between her and the boys, in case the situation didn’t go as planned.
    You mean in case they aren’t up for round two .
    She snarled at the voice snickering away in her head and grabbed one of his shirts off the hanger. The soft fabric caressed her skin as she slipped it on, the combined scent of Quinn and lemon freshness only adding to the illusion of being wrapped in his arms. Damn, this was why she’d fought her attraction to them. One taste of their skin was all it’d taken to light a fire in her soul…one only they could put out.
    Tayen grabbed the doorframe, hoping it’d give her strength. There was no turning back now. She could already sense the changes in her body. How it was aligning itself with their unique markers, which, once completed, would forever imprint them as her mates. If she didn’t run now, she’d be theirs and theirs alone for the rest of her life.
    Indecision swelled its ugly head, but she tapped it down and headed for the door. It opened onto a hallway, which seemed to lead toward the coffee aroma, and what she suspected was the kitchen. Voices drifted into range as she neared a large room, and she paused at the edge and peeked around the corner. What she saw took her breath away.
    Quinn and Rogan sat in opposite chairs at the table, their muscular figures making the furniture seem small. Both men sported bare chests and jean-clad legs, as they nursed a cup of coffee between their hands. Their whispered conversation soothed her senses, and she leaned against the frame, content to simply watch them.
    She must have sighed because they stopped and turned toward her, their gaze locking on hers. Matching brown eyes held her attention as feral smiles curved both their lips.
    Rogan held up his mug. “Coffee?”
    She nodded, not trusting the sound of her voice yet. Her mouth felt thick, as if her tongue had suddenly become too large to fit. Quinn held out a seat for her, and she managed to move forward, all but collapsing into it. He gave her a guarded nod, but she could tell he had something on his mind. Hell, so did she, but her thoughts were all skin colored and sweaty, with equal parts moans and screams.
    She fidgeted on the seat, acutely aware of the moisture starting to line her inner lips. She felt like a freaking cat in heat, but there was something about the way they watched her that told her sex wasn’t foremost in their minds.
    Quinn jumped up as Rogan set the coffee down. He grabbed a box of muffins off the counter and placed them on the table then went back for some butter and a knife, offering both to her as he took his seat again. She managed to mumble a raspy thanks to both men then found herself staring at the small bubbles circling her coffee as the quiet tension in the room grew. No one seemed willing to break the silence, and after what felt like an eternity, she pushed the mug and muffin away and stood up, crossing to the other side of the kitchen. Both men followed her progression, glancing at each other then back at her.
    She sighed. “Why don’t you boys just ask me?”
    Quinn raised an eyebrow as he shot Rogan a quizzical look. “Ask you what?”
    “All the questions I can hear buzzing around inside those heads of yours.” She palmed her hands on her hips. “I know there’s a lot more you want to ask me…about shifting, being mates…but the silence is killing me.” She crossed her arms over her chest, hoping the act would still the tremors moving through her. “So ask.”
    Rogan sighed and scraped his chair back. “Okay. Let’s start with the obvious. Have you always been able to…” He waved his hand in the air. “Shift?
    Quinn huffed and rolled his eyes. “Forgive him, sweetheart. He missed the class on subtly.”
    “It’s fine. I’m still not sure why you both didn’t just leave me hanging in that net, but you’ve been more than understanding.” She

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