Snow Blind-J Collins 4
subject, why don’t you tell me about her?”
    “I can’t. They’ll kill her.”
    Man. I was so out of my league. I’d never dealt 63

    with this type of situation. “Okay. Why don’t you tell me about your granddaughter, Amery, instead?”
    “Amery. Susie’s daughter.”
    “I don’t know who you’re talking about. Susie is just sixteen years old. She’s a baby, not old enough to have a baby. Are you trying to trick me into telling you where she is?”
    Over your head, Julie. “Ah. No.”
    “Who is this Amery person?”
    “Never mind. I should—”
    “Susie went away because I couldn’t keep her safe.
    They wanted to hurt her. Sometimes she sneaks in here to see me. I have to hide her from them. But that means my sweet girl has to hide from her papa, too.”
    His vacuous eyes flared panic. “You won’t tell them she was here, will you?”
    “No. Your secret is safe with me.”
    His gaze pierced my forehead as if he could see my brain to gauge whether or not I was lying. “I’m paying them to keep her safe now. She’s in a place no one will ever find her.”
    “Paying who?”
    “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he snapped off.
    Mr. Sloane was getting more riled up. I knew I’d made a mistake barging in here. Problem was, I didn’t know how to fix it. He kept muttering and gesturing at me like he was warding off an evil spirit. It didn’t help I felt like I’d slipped on the devil’s skin.

    My frantic gaze landed on the coffee table. “I used to love to do word search puzzles.”
    Vernon Sloane glared at me. “You’re lying. Why are you really here?”
    “For more money?”
    I stood. “Look. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’ll go.”
    “I know your type. You smile while you lie so it’ll be easier to trick me.”
    My cheeks burned.
    “How much are they paying you?”
    Not nearly enough. And while I hurt for Amery, having to deal with a deranged grandfather, I figured she was money ahead if someone like Luella shared the emotional burden. Whatever Luella was making wasn’t nearly enough. Sounded callous but I didn’t care.
    “Mr. Sloane. It was nice meeting you.” If I hadn’t been wearing clunky boots I would’ve sprinted for the door.
    He called out, “Don’t hurt her. Please. I’ll do anything to keep my Susie safe. Take my car. Wait.
    I’ll find the keys. They’re here someplace.”
    Made my ears burn with shame to hear his pleading tone. “Susie is safe, remember? I don’t need your car.”
    He didn’t respond. I was afraid if I stuck around I’d hear him crying. Making an old man cry. What a fucking great thing to add to my day after seeing a dead guy.
    I stepped into the hallway and pressed my back to 65

    the wall to slow my guilty breathing.
    Screw this. Since Kevin wanted to take this case so fucking bad he could finish it. I had no reason to stick around and talk to Luella. I’d gotten more than I came for: proof anyone could take advantage of Vernon Sloane. Proof he needed acute care.
    One thing left to do. I peered around the corner.
    Rubberneckers filled the hallway, mesmerized by the workings of the ambulance crew. Probably some kind of morbid entertainment for the residents. No one paid attention to me as I headed down hallway four and knocked on door 407.

    First thing I noticed when Reva opened her apartment door were all the bookcases. The second thing I noticed was the way her eyes lit up when she saw me.
    “Julie! Was your nose itching? I was just thinking about you.”
    “Am I in trouble?”
    “Pooh. Don’t stand there; come in. Would you like a cup of tea? I just made a fresh pot.”
    My mouth opened to refuse. But would it kill me to stick around for more than two minutes? No. I wasn’t in a big hurry to go outside into the cold and snow anyway. “That’d be great.”
    “What can I do to help?”
    “Be witty and entertaining because Lord knows 67

    I’ve been bored out of my skull

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