So Wild a Heart

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Book: So Wild a Heart by Candace Camp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Camp
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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pleasant" She smiled, walking her fingers down his chest. She hooked her hand in the waistband of his trousers, then pushed him away from her. "But first, I think, a bit of brandy would be in order."
    "Of course." He had learned to enjoy Leona's cat-and-mouse games, enjoying the mounting pleasure and anticipation, even the frustration, knowing that it would lead to intense pleasure. He turned away easily and poured her a glass of brandy.
    She took the snifter from him and gestured to him to sit down in the chair. He did so, and she took a seat on his lap, turning sideways. She sipped at her drink, then set it aside. She began to play idly with me buttons of his shirt, undoing them slowly one by one and slipping her hands in between the edges of his shirt.
    "I heard about your American heiress," she said after a moment, tweaking one of his nipples.
    "What? I don't have an heiress, American or otherwise."
    "I heard differently. It was all the talk at Lady Blanchette's. The daughter of a clothier, I believe."
    "He deals in furs." Devin smiled. "Jealous, my love?"
    "Me? Jealous of a fur trader's daughter?" Leona asked scornfully. "Hardly. Interested, more like. Does she really want to marry you?''
    "According to my mother, the father is panting for it. Wants to get his hands on an earl's estate." Devin picked up Leona's discarded drink from the small table beside the chair and drank from it. "They are, apparently, swithming in money. They could save Darkwater."
    "Oh, Darkwater." Leona dismissed the estate with a wave of her hand. "They could save us."
    "Save us?" Devin looked at her, a trifle taken aback by her words.
    "Yes. From financial ruin." Leona stretched, arching her back so that her breasts thrust even more boldly against the sheer material of her dress. Then she slipped her hand inside Devin's shirt and let her hand roam freely over his chest as she talked. "Vesey says he refuses to pay any more of my gambling debts. He says Croesus himself could not keep up with my spending habits." Her fingers settled on his nipple, caressing and squeezing it, circling it teasingly. ' 'I reminded him that I scarcely married him for his charming manner. He was to supply the funds, and I would provide the veil for his, uh, true sexual proclivities. But he said that no amount of behavior on his part could possibly be worth the amount of money I waste."
    Leona's full mouth settled into a luscious pout. "Do you think this dress is a waste?" She stroked her fingertips across the neckline of her dress.
    "Not on you," he replied, his eyes following the movement of her fingers. His hand slid up her body to cup her breast and caress it, his eyes glittering with desire as he watched her nipple tighten in response to his touch.
    "But, then, nothing over fourteen attracts Vesey's notice," Leona added with a shrug. "I mean, really...I find a schoolboy exciting now and then—there is something quite stimulating about that wide-eyed eagerness. But as a steady diet?" She shook her head. "But I am straying from the subject." She stretched up to brush her lips against his. "We were talking about your American heiress."
    "I told you, she's not my American heiress," Devin responded. "I have no desire to marry her."
    "Of course you don't. Don't be silly. Who would want to marry some boring little chit from the back of beyond? But...needs must."
    '"Needs must?'" Devin repeated in some astonishment. His hand went up to cup her chin, tilting her face so that she had to look into his eyes. "Are you saying you think I should marry this girl?"
    “Of course,'' Leona replied reasonably. “What else are you going to do? What else are we going to do? Much as I love the taste of you, my pet, we cannot live on it. We need money to survive. You haven't a cent. You told me what your uncle said the last time you asked about the estate. It loses money and has for years. Your funds have long since been depleted. What are you going to do—take up clerking?"
    "I know how

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