Sons of Amber
again. Only Zeke had ever been able to do that for her, and now he was introducing her to something altogether new with the addition of his friend into their loveplay. She didn't know if she could handle it. She didn't even know if it was right, but she vowed to see where it would lead.
    Zeke had staked a claim just now, a claim that made her feel warm and loved inside, where it counted. She trusted him. He would be her guide into this new, unexpected ecstasy.
    "Are you ready for more?" Zeke asked gently as Mike tugged on her arms, tying one, then the other, to little rings placed strategically along Zeke's large bed. Funny, she'd never questioned those little rings when she'd seen them before, but now she had a sneaking suspicion the bed had been built with just this sort of thing in mind. It was scandalous! And very exciting.
    Mike's touch was a little rougher than Zeke's, his hands demanding, but he never hurt her. He pulled and pushed her around as he tied her, making her feel small and vulnerable in a delicious sort of way, but he seemed always aware of his strength and mindful that he not be too rough with her tender skin. She liked that. She liked even more the way Zeke's gaze followed every line of her body, every movement as his brother tied her securely to the sinful bed.
    "She's got great tits and a shapely ass." His hands stroked over her as he spoke, firing her senses even further. "A fine looking bit of pussy you've got here, Zeke." Mike talked to Ezekiel as if she weren't there. Somehow the idea of them talking over her in such crude terms was exciting rather than insulting. She could tell from the sparkle in Mike's dark eyes that he knew it, too.
    Mike settled between her splayed thighs and she tensed for a moment of delicious anxiety as he touched her intimately for the first time. His touch was different than Ezekiel's, stronger and nearly intimidating. He knew what he was doing with a woman's body and zeroed in on what he wanted. It was exciting and a little scary, but Zeke took her face in his strong hands, soothing as he bent over her for a deep, almost drugging, kiss. While Zeke kissed her, Michael swept his blunt fingers through her folds, swirling and dipping in ways that made her squirm. Her hips nearly lifted off the bed when he plunged one long finger inside her and he pulled out immediately, slapping her pussy in reproval, making her jump again. Zeke left off kissing her to look down her body with an open, lusty grin.
    "Don't move, wench, or I'll have to spank you."
    "Spank me?" Her breathless voice sounded alarmingly aroused even to her own ears as Mike tapped out a light, teasing rhythm on her distended clit. She sobbed as the fire within her spiraled higher.
    "You like that, pussycat? I'll give you more, but you have to hold still."
    "I can't!"
    He stopped petting her and slapped her quick, hard enough to startle, but not quite hurt.

    "You can and you will, disrespectful wench. When you speak to me, you will address me as Master, and you will not speak unless instructed to do so or questioned directly. Do you understand?" His fingers resumed their play on and around her clit.
    "Yes." She nodded, holding Zeke's gaze and knowing from the flare of his expressive eyes that he was enjoying this every bit as much as she was.
    A slap stung her excited pussy.
    "Yes, what?"
    She blushed as Zeke's gaze held hers, a fire leaping within. He wanted her to do this, she could tell, just as much as she wanted to do it. It surprised her really, that she could so willingly give herself up to this man—to Ezekiel. For although Michael was giving the orders this time, it was Ezekiel she wanted to please.
    "Yes, Master." Her voice sighed out and Michael rewarded her by plunging two fingers deep into her hole. A moment later he licked her clit, driving her higher as Zeke stroked her nipples.
    Michael stroked and sucked in rhythm until she was ready to explode. She did her best not to move, but the pleasure was

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