Soul Kissed

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Book: Soul Kissed by Courtney Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Courtney Cole
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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although his face was only a bit anxious.  He was handling it well.  Maybe too well. 
    “Why aren’t you more upset by this?” I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. 
    “I don’t know,” he admitted.  “I should be upset.  I should be panicked right now.  But instead, when I am next to you, I feel calm.  Like all is right in the world.  But now your mind is blank- I can’t hear a thing.  How are you doing that?  Can you hear my thoughts?”
    I paused.  I probably could if I concentrated.  I just hadn’t known that he was a demi before so it hadn’t occurred to me to try.  And I couldn’t admit that because then I would have to explain his true lineage.  How much should I tell him?  But in my uncertainty, I forgot to veil my silent question. 
    “Tell me everything,” he growled.  “Not just the parts that you want me to hear.  Something is going on here, something big.  And I want to know about it.”
    “There’s nothing ‘going on,’” I answered with a sigh.  “At least, nothing that hasn’t been ‘going on’ for a very long time.  It’s just life, Brennan.”
    “But there’s more to life than I know about,” he prompted.  I nodded reluctantly, pushing away the image of my mother’s warnings.  He could read my mind.  He deserved some sort of explanation.
    “Yes,” I replied simply.  “There is.  But let’s not talk about it here.  Let’s go outdoors.”  Neutral territory just seemed the way to go, for some reason. 
    He nodded.  “I have a picnic in my car.  My plan was to invite you to a picnic on the beach.  I know a great place, but we’ll need to drive there.”
    “Alright,” I agreed.  I guess I agreed too quickly, because he looked at me slightly suspiciously. 
    “And you’ll tell me what I need to know?”
    “I’ll tell you what you need to know.”
    He looked satisfied with that as he stood, shoving a long hand into his pocket. He was really, really big.  I craned my neck as I stared up at him.
    “How tall are you?”
    He smirked as he looked down at me.  “6’5”.  How tall are you, shortcake?”
    I glared up at him.  “I only seem short next to you, because you’re a giant.  I’m 5’7”, which is perfectly tall for a female.”
    I reached past him to pick up my favorite gray cashmere shawl from the arm of the couch, but as I curled my arm around him, he grabbed my fingers.  Electricity shot up my arm, branching into my shoulder and down my spine.  I stiffened for a moment and then hardened myself against the overwhelming sensations.  I was going to have to learn to deal with it without feeling weak- a challenging task.
    Brennan closed his eyes for a scant moment, sliding his fingers up to my elbow and back down to my wrist, a whisper soft touch that left a tingling trail behind it.  He opened his eyes back up and stared into mine.
    “Why does it feel almost orgasmic to touch you?”
    I stayed quiet.  But he was right.  It was almost orgasmic.  Picking up my shawl, he wrapped it around my shoulders and then lifted my chin with one finger.  He kissed my lips, gently and briefly. 
    “That’s how I really wanted to say good morning,” he admitted, pulling me to him.  The length of his body was long and hard against mine and I found that I wanted to stand here forever, just like this.  Leaning forward, I rested my forehead against his chest, feeling the beat of his heart. 
    What was wrong with me?  This was not like me at all.  I didn’t need anything or anybody.  But I literally felt as though moving away from him would possibly cause me pain.  Physical pain and definitely some mental anguish. 
    Lifting my face, I whispered, “I’ll tell you everything.”
    “Wasn’t that already the plan?” he asked softly, tucking a tendril of loose hair behind my ear.  I found that I wanted to lean into his hand, but restrained myself.  I really, really hated appearing weak.
    I nodded.  I didn’t bother to tell him that

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