targets, easily silencing their breaths with the twist of a shadowed hand. Her vision found the heated aura of Gareth as he stealthily crept up on his prey. A spike of fear pierced Rya from her connection with Tarris, both of them waiting to see if Corman would obey.
    The silence could nearly be tasted as time seemed to stand still. Nothing. An eerie quiet before the storm. A piercing scream broke through the darkness. Tarris pursed her lips as the screaming deteriorated into an agonized gargle. Was Corman doing this to make her look bad? Knowing him as she did, he would do it just to piss her off.
    She had no time to hesitate. Tarris gave whatever strength Rya needed to complete the mission and encouraged her to hasten. Rya crept past the window on the second floor and headed for the roof. To gain access meant having to cut the power supply situated on top of the building.
    Rya wasted no time locating the microwave dish and disabling it. Moments later, the roof access door opened and two armed guards nervously paced across the flat top toward their target. Arcs of light shakily broke the darkness as they scanned for their enemy. Little did they suspect that she had been behind them all the way across the expanse of rooftop.
    “Hurry up, will you?” The young man’s gaze swept the darkened area in front of him.
    “Hang on. I’ve still got to check it out.” The older guard magnetically attached his maxi-torch to his torso. He felt around the box containing the circuitry illuminated by his torch. “Damn. It looks like we’re going to need some replacement stuff. You stay here, and I’ll be right back.” He removed three circuit boards and walked away. The beam of light slowly faded as he found the door and disappeared inside.
    The young guard hummed to himself as he waited.
    Rya’s shadowed head shifted to one side as if studying the young guard in front of her. As quick as a viper, she struck. Her hand slid through the guard’s back and spine, all the way to his heart. His body jerked as the invisible hand squeezed tightly.
    “I’ve got the…” The second guard arrived just in time to see his compatriot slump to the ground dead. “Holy—” His eyes swiveled around hurriedly. “Who… who’s there? I know you’re there.”
    Tarris knew he had no knowledge of who, or what, was there, but he had surely heard stories. Gruesome, supernatural stories that were meant to scare children and old women.
    Another scream could be heard from the compound, and Tarris muttered “Shit!” from her apartment. Panicked voices shouted at each other as they tried to make sense of the terror that sat over the courtyard like a cloud heavy with rain. The mission had gone to hell, and Rya was stuck on the roof.
    “You’re stuck here, you know.” The guard tried to sound confident, but the timbre in his voice rose and fell. Tarris didn’t need to see his face to know he was probably peeing in his pants right about now.
    Through Rya’s eyes, Tarris watched him as he moved around nervously while he prepared to make his move. His heat signature was different from her unit. His nervousness elevated his body heat and made him an easy target.
    She understood the need for darkness to try to complete her mission and to achieve Rya’s escape. Another gargled scream echoed across the night air. It seemed Corman had lost his senses and was having Gareth kill indiscriminately. He had finally stepped over a line he couldn’t return from.
    Rya shifted through the deepening shadows and found her target. Her hand slipped though skin, muscle, and bone to his heart. His ragged breathing became more labored as her fist tightened, ending in an agonized sigh as the guard’s last breath left his slumped body. This was not good. Their work was meant to be done by stealth and in sleep, not in the heat of battle. This was supposed to be a simple elimination of enemies of the state, not a wholesale slaughter.
    While Rya didn’t express an

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