South Row

South Row by Ghiselle St. James Page A

Book: South Row by Ghiselle St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ghiselle St. James
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was if they made female Viagra.
    Well… do they?
    Which brings me to now.
    I’m at the gym trying to work off some of this tension that seeing Collin has brought on. I am on the treadmill running like a mad woman, having increased the speed. Sweat is pouring down my face, trickling between my breasts and is settling in some undesirable places. I feel gross.
    The run is spent thinking of how I can get Collin to see me in a different light , so nights like last night won’t be spent in a lonely bed with a vibrator.
    I come up with a few things:
    One: make Collin jealous.
    Two: make Collin horny.
    Three: have mind-blowing sex with Collin.
    I didn’ t say it was a good plan, but a plan nonetheless. I may have to enlist the help of Connor for Operation: Get Collin to see me as a hot babe . I couldn’t come up with a shorter name for it, so sue me.
    I look up and I think I glimpse Collin’s friend, Johann. I gasp in surprise and I end up mis-stepping and now I am on the floor sprawled out on my back while the treadmill runs by itself. Way to be coordinated, Red.
    There is a small crowd gathering around me and I hear the concerned questions of various persons above me. I want to answer, but I nee d to conserve my energy while I’m down here.
    My eyes come into f ocus as my heart rate slows and…hey! It was Johann.
    “Hey, are you okay?” he asks, concern etching his brows.
    “ Hey,” I say. “Yeah, just thought I’d continue my exercises down here.”
    I start faking s it-ups, to take the shame off. “One, one thousand. Two, one thousand…” Is that how they do the counts?
    “ Come on, crazy girl,” Johann offers, extending his arm to me.
    I take it, wobbling a little as I adjust to being upright again. We walk to an office, which turns out to be his office judging by the large portrait of himself over his leather chair. Conceited much?
    His office is decorated in intense dark browns, blacks and beige. A large, plush black leather sofa takes up one side of his office. His large L-shaped polished wood desk looks imposing in the small room, but makes a clear statement: I’m the boss. The black carpet with the beige ends and odd swirls, creates a sort of warm feel to the room. The equally polished, wooden trophy wall behind him – that consists of pictures he took with celebs, trophies and various awards – gives me the impression that this guy is proud of all he’s done. Very admirable, if you ask me.
    We talk for a while and I find out he owns the gym and the club around the corner from it. He has owned it for four years and is thinking about expanding as well as opening a new gym in San Diego and Houston.
    Johann has a girlfriend of six months, but doesn’t wish to get married anytime soon – surprise, surprise. He tells me that he got to know Connor through Collin and that he’s been friends with Collin since college and considers him a very close friend.
    I end up telling him how far back Connor, Collin and I go; leaving out the fact that Collin took my virginity.
    “Do I sense you having feelings for Collin?” Johann predicts.
    “Huh? What? Pfft…” I splutter idiotically, trying to deny what I know is pretty obvious.
    “Yes,” I capitulate with a pout.
    “ Strong, huh?” he assumes rightly.
    “ Yes,” I answer glumly.
    Johann drums his fingers on his desk for a long while, staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I am starting to get so irritated at his inspection of me.
    “Come to my club tonight,” he suggests, totally switching the subject.
    Oh… kay.
    “ Really?”
    “Yes, really. It’s on me.”
    “Can I bring company?” I ask, immediately thinking of my two best friends.
    “Yeah, you can.”
    “How many?” I inquire, possibly pushing it.
    He looks at me with a smile th en answers, “No more than four.”
    I squeal excitedly and hop up to hug him. He laughs and embraces me then walks me out of the gym. Immediately I ring up Lydia and tell her the news. Scott is already there so we

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