Sovereign Stone

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Book: Sovereign Stone by David Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Wells
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Epic
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netherworld. Such a rift is a danger to a fairy; the one summoned will probably be afraid and extremely wary.”
    “Will the summoning risk the fairy’s life?” Isabel asked.
    “No, but she will be frightened nonetheless,” Landi said. “The only true risk occurs when a fairy actually touches a creature from the netherworld. In such cases, a fairy’s ethereal essence can be drawn into the netherworld and her physical form will simply wink out of existence. With the scourgling safely on the other side of the chasm, the fairy will be at no more risk from the beast than we are, but she may suspect that we are actually in league with the scourgling. It’s important to impress on her that we are aware of it and that we fear it as well.”
    “That won’t be a problem,” Alexander said wryly.
    Mage Landi smiled. “Indeed. The next issue is of a more personal nature. Fairies are creatures of the light. They respond to love above all else and they are quite sensitive to the aura of it. Please understand, my analogy is not entirely accurate, but I believe I can communicate the important points more readily by leveraging magic that you are familiar with.
    “Alexander, when you read the auras of two people who are feeling love for one another, there is a different quality to their colors, is there not?”
    Alexander nodded thoughtfully. “Sometimes when I saw my parents together, the quality of their colors was always more vibrant and clear than otherwise. I never fully understood the cause until just now.”
    “The fairies can see love in much the same way and are drawn to it,” Landi said. “For that reason, I would like Lady Isabel to participate in the summoning. The clear bond of love between you will resonate with the fairy and put her at ease more readily than any other thing.”
    A thought occurred to Alexander. “Does the summoning spell compel the fairy to come to you? Does it force her against her will?”
    “No. There are different schools of thought in the field of conjuration and summoning. Some wizards, such as necromancers, follow a darker path. They use binding magic to compel service against free will. I bargain openly and honestly with those I summon. By offering that which a creature values, they come willingly and hear me out. If the price I offer suits the creature’s interests, we agree to help one another. If not, we part ways.”
    “I’m glad to hear that,” Alexander said. “Is there anything I can bring to the table that will add to our bargaining position?”
    “Love for Lady Isabel and reassurance that the beast at our door is the enemy.”
    Alexander stood and offered his hand to Isabel. “That I can do. When do we start?”
    They walked to the far end of the paddock. In the corner, Mage Landi had cleared a patch of ground and drawn three circles in the hard-packed dirt, each overlapping evenly with the other two. In the middle of each circle was a blanket folded into a small square. A candle was burning at each of the three points of intersection which described a triangle. A heavy wooden stake about two feet tall had been pounded into the ground in the center of the triangle. Resting on top of the stake was a small silver saucer with a circle of white powder surrounding the center point.
    Mage Landi directed Alexander and Isabel to each sit in a specific circle and he seated himself in the third.
    “Do not disturb the lines of the circles,” he said as he cautiously opened a small paper envelope and gently tapped out a fine iridescent powder into the center of the silver saucer.
    “I will need a single drop of blood from each of you. Lady Isabel, you must give your blood first. Prick the ring finger of your left hand and squeeze a drop onto the fairy dust in the center of the saucer. Lord Alexander, you must do exactly the same immediately after Isabel.”
    They carefully followed the Mage’s instructions. Alexander could see Abigail and Jack watching from a short way off, but

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