
Spectral by Shannon Duffy Page A

Book: Spectral by Shannon Duffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Duffy
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy
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“Oh yeah? You’re from Italy, too?”
    “No, not that part. The traveling around part. My family’s like a pack of gypsies you could say,” I forced a half smile.
    “True?” His voice rose at the end of my name softly as he tilted my head up towards him.
    I willed my eyes to stay focused on his as my heart rate climbed. “Yeah?” I asked, secretly hoping he would ask to kiss me, my eyes beginning to linger on his lips. I couldn’t tell if it was just the alcohol, or his total hotness that was making me swoon. Probably a combination of both.
    “You’re not safe here.”
    It took a second. I stared at his lips, watching the words form, then slowly they connected in my brain.
    Wait. What?
    Heart hammering, my eyes darted around the room. Taylor sipped soda while playing pool with Jack. A few people sat around chatting. Couples danced happily around us.
    “ Here ?” I asked. “Looks pretty innocent to me.”
    “No, not here , here. I mean in Pomona Park.”
    A chill trickled through my veins. Crap. What does he know about me? I dropped my hands by my sides. Roman kept his arms around my waist. I narrowed my eyes, brows furrowing in the middle. “Why would you say that ?”
    “Let’s just say I know things and I care about you.”
    Dread crept over me.
    I looked over my shoulder trying to catch Taylor’s attention. Of course she ignored me, wrapped up in the male attention around her. I snapped my eyes back at him. “What could you possibly know about me ? We just met.”
    “Listen, I’m not trying to scare you. I just want to keep you safe. I’m your guardian, Jewel.” He reached down and took my hands, but I jerked them away.
    Icicles plummeted down the back of my spine. “Wh- what did you just call me?” I looked back at Taylor again. She’d finally noticed me and now headed in our direction.
    Roman slid an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. With his other hand, he made a big circular motion. Around us a filmy substance took shape. I pressed against the barrier, but its pliable force field sprung back. My jaw dropped. We were inside an enormous bubble like the kind I played with as a kid. I used to wish I’d be carried away with those bubbles—now I just wanted to escape from one. The sound of the music muffled as though we were under water and everyone in the room solidified, still as statues. My heart pounded. “What’s going on?” I asked, my throat growing tight. “Did someone send you here after me?”
    “Well, yes,” he said, and my gaze snapped to him. He had the good sense to wince. “We’ve been trying to find you for a long time.”
    “ We’ve been trying?” I clasped my hand over my mouth, my mind racing. “Oh my God, oh my God,” I cried. “You’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?”
    Roman frowned. “Jewel, what are you talking about?”
    “Stop calling me that!” I shoved against the bubble again, harder this time, but its thick, gooey plasma held firm.
    I was trapped.
    “Well it’s your name, isn’t it?” He reached his arm toward me, but I batted it away. “Just listen to me a minute, will you?” he pleaded. “I’m not here to hurt you. I’m only here to help you. You’re in danger, Jewel—True, whatever you want me to call you. Things aren’t what they seem. I’ve been looking for you a long time.” He paused. “I’m your assigned guardian and I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”
    “Are you with the mob?” I asked.
    He twisted his eyebrows and shook his head. “The mob?”
    “Wait—did you say you’ll do whatever I ask of you?”
    He looked at me and groaned. “Yes. That’s what I said.”
    I folded my arms across my chest. “Then let me go right now.”
    His face looked pained. “I just want to help—”
    “Right now!”
    The bubble popped and I stumbled backwards. The music grew loud again. Everyone resumed moving as if nothing had happened.
    Taylor placed her hand on my back. “Hey, girl, you okay?”
    My heart thundered in my

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