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Book: Spellstorm by Ed Greenwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ed Greenwood
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waved at El to continue.
    He obliged. “So Alusair died, ye might say, in the saddle, still riding the border
     wilderlands of the realm she loved, defending it against beasts and brigands. I happen
     to know more than a dozen invasions of Cormyr planned by greedy and wealthy Sembian
     citizens were canceled because of how well-known her tireless vigilance became. Alusair
     died unreconciled, feeling her duty to defend was unfinished and passed on to no competent
     replacement, so she lingers yet.”
    “As a ghost.”
    “As a ghost, defending Cormyr in ways not even the current Royal Magician and Obarskyrs
     fully know. Already accomplished at taking down Zhentarim, Thayan, and Sembian spies,
     she got very good at felling Thultanthan spies and agents undetected, so they simply
     vanished withouttrace—dozens of them, over the years.
worried Telamont Tanthul so much, it bought Cormyr decades more of peace.”
    Mirt nodded. “And Vangerdahast the Mighty?”
    El smiled. “A term of mockery in Waterdeep in thy day, as I recall. The man ye so
     labeled was one apprentice of mine who did very well for himself. When he finally
     tired of being Mage Royal—long after the realm had tired of him—he willingly bound
     himself in stasis as a dragon, with the song dragon Ammaratha Cyndusk at his side,
     also out of love for Cormyr. He awaited his awakening to defend the kingdom in a future
     time of need. Later, Myrmeen Lhal joined them, one more wyrm in stasis.”
    “Until something either went wrong, or they were awakened because the realm was in
    “Indeed, though its defenders knew that not. Szass Tam was greatly weakened after
     his failed attempt to become a god, during what’s come to be known as the Spellplague.
     He has always hungered for magic—the stored magic of items, if he can get such power
     in no other way—and of course, he forever finds himself in need of more. He knew of
     certain vaults beneath yonder Royal Palace, and tried to break into them from afar,
     but succeeded only in shattering the outermost ward. That was enough to rouse Vangey
     and his fellow guardian dragons.
    “Wisely, Szass Tam abandoned his attempt right then, but—”
    Mirt grinned. “There’s always a ‘but’ in this world, when you’re talking wizards!”
    “Indeed. ‘But’ the arcanists of Thultanthar had their spies here in Suzail, for Cormyr
     was the largest and best stable source of food near the preferred location for their
     city, and one of them reported the destruction of the ward to his superior, who was
     competent enough to pass it on to the ruler of the Thultanthans, a man as overconfident
     as his self-proclaimed title suggests, and—”
    “Oh, the ‘Most High’?”
    “Aye, Telamont Tanthul. Another who had endless hunger for enchanted items. He presumed
     that there would be only one more ward, and that Cormyr had no defenders who could
     hold the vault against a strike force led by half a dozen arcanists. So weak did he
     think the defense would be that he sent along eight untried novices to lead the assault,
     as a test of their abilities.”
    “And the guardian dragons destroyed them.”
    “Handily. So aghast was the senior arcanist assigned to scry on them from afar that
     he abandoned his duty in the opening moments of the fray to go and convince one of
     the Princes of Shade—without telling the Most High, mind ye—that there was a serious
     threat to Thultanthar under the Royal Palace of Cormyr. He succeeded; that prince
     came racing back with a much stronger force.”
    “And broke into the vault?”
    “And failed, fleeing battered but wiser, leaving most of this second wave of arcanists
     dead. However, the song dragon Ammaratha also perished in the fray, Myrmeen Lhal was
     forced back into human form, and Vangey only survived through Laspeera’s desperate
     intervention; she forcibly merged him with a spiderlike guardian monster he’d imprisoned
     in stasis down in the

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