Star Wars - 210 - Jedi Prince 01 - The Glove of Darth Vader
you for my enemies," a dazed Captain Dunwell repeated in a soft voice.
    "You wanted us to come here so we could help you."
    "I wanted you to come here," said the captain.
    "We’re supposed to check your master control," said Luke, continuing to use his Jedi mind power. "Now take us to a computer terminal quickly."
    "I will take you to a terminal."
    The captain lead them up one corridor and down another. Finally he showed them to a computer terminal.
    "Artoo," said Luke, "hook into this terminal and figure out how to crack the communication code. Then instruct the ship’s master control to open the doors to the Whaladon storage chambers. Let all the Whaladons free!"
    Artoo extended a little metal arm and hooked himself into the computer terminal.
    "You fool," said Captain Dunwell, recovering his senses. "You think that little utility droid of yours can crack a code I spent three years creating?"
    "Gaaaaaz booop dweeet!" beeped Artoo.
    "He says you underestimate him, Captain," said Threepio. "He says Darth Vader’s codes used to be much more complicated than yours, and it never took him more than fifteen seconds to figure those out."
    "Artoo, I just thought of something," Luke said. "Before you free the Whaladons, the first thing you should do is scan the ship’s data banks. Find out if this vessel has a self-destruct system."
    "It doesn’t," said Captain Dunwell.
    "Zuuuuung! Galooooop!" squawked Artoo.
    "Artoo says it does, Master Luke," Threepio confirmed.
    "Excellent," said Luke. "Find out the precise self-destruct code. Tell me when you’ve got it."
    "Trioculus expects me to be back in the navigation room by now," said Captain Dunwell. "If he comes looking for me and finds you, he’ll destroy you instantly!"
    "Zoooosh-bee-dwee," beeped Artoo, rolling his domed top around to show his excitement.
    "He has the self-destruct code, Master Luke," explained Threepio.
    "Good droid, Artoo. Now punch in the self-destruct code and set the ship to blow up in . .
    . "
    Luke stopped to think. How much time would the Whaladons need to swim to a safe distance? And how much time would he, his droids, and Admiral Ackbar need to get their Calamarian minisub away from here without being destroyed by a gigantic explosion?
    "Give us ten minutes-that should do it," said Luke. "And if it doesn’t, well then we’re all history."
    "You can’t do this!" Captain Dunwell protested. Artoo beeped and squeaked and whirred.
    "Booooshsh! Zweeech!"
    "Artoo says yes we can," Threepio translated. "Just watch us."
    "Ziiish bajoooop!" Artoo tooted.
    "Self-destruct is activated, Master Luke!" reported Threepio. Just then alarm bells started to go off and warning lights blinked along the corridor.

    The Captain’s Reward
    "Quick, Artoo!" said Luke. "Tell the master control to free the Whaladons!"
    "He’s searching for a way to do it, Master Luke," said Threepio. "He’s looking and-oh, gracious, he can’t find it! Keep looking, Artoo. We’ve got to save Leviathor and the other Whaladons before-"
    Suddenly Trioculus appeared down at the end of the hall. "Oh, no, Master Luke, Trioculus has found us!" Threepio shouted. "We’re doomed!"
    "Your droid has grasped your situation well, Skywalker," said Trioculus. He raised his gloved right hand and pointed it at Luke. "Now prepare to die!" he shouted. Luke ducked behind Captain Dunwell. Gripping the captain, Luke positioned him directly in front of the glove of Darth Vader.
    Captain Dunwell gasped as a high-pitched deadly sound vibration struck him. Luke then lifted the captain and heaved him, making him collide with Trioculus and toppling them both to the floor. Then Luke drew out his lightsaber.
    "Jeeep booo poooooz!" tooted Artoo.
    "Success!" shouted Threepio. "Artoo has instructed the master control to free the Whaladons!"
    Just then the doors of the Whaladon storage chambers began to open. All the while the alarm bells were getting louder and the warning lights were flashing faster. Time was

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