Star Wars - Credit Denied - Unpublished

Star Wars - Credit Denied - Unpublished by George R. Strayton Page A

Book: Star Wars - Credit Denied - Unpublished by George R. Strayton Read Free Book Online
Authors: George R. Strayton
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hololocket which shows a picture of the planet Kerest as it once was.
    He decided that he would dedicate his life to technology and education and defy the stereotype his savage cousins created. Although he did learn much in his course of study, his dream of becoming a scientist was not meant to be. The Empire was taking Kerestians in as personal servants and Nopul chose at that time to disappear.
    Due to the expectations of his species, he found work mostly in criminal locations. Eventually he hooked up with a young mercenary, Maex, who was trying to make a name for herself. After several adventures with the cocky sharpshooter, he signed onto her ship for good.


    Type: Nikto Mercenary
    Blaster 5D, blaster: blaster pistol 5D+2, dodge 5D, grenade 5D
    Languages: Dresselian 4D
    Gambling 4D, hide 4D, sneak 5D
    Brawling 5D, stamina 4D+2
    Special Abilities:
    Vision: Nikto have natural eye-shielding of a transparent keratin-like substance. They suffer no adverse effects from sandstorms or similar conditions, nor does their vision blur underwater.
    Kajain’sa’Nikto Stamina: These Nikto have great stamina in desert environments. They receive a +1D bonus to both survival: desert and stamina rolls.
    Force Points: 1
    Character Points: 8
    Move: 10
    Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), thermal detonator (10D)
    Capsule: Vakir’sa’jaina is a “Red Nikto,” of the Kajain’sa’Nikto race. He was born in the dark caverns of a Hutt-controlled Nikto enclave on the world of Nal Hutta. Raised completely subservient to Hutts, he was more or less freed of the their influence when he was given, along with several others, to the Empire to serve it and—more importantly—spy on it. Having left Nal Hutta, his eyes were opened to the galaxy. He wanted more.
    Not long after being transferred to Dressel—an Imperial-held planet—he escaped with several other beings on an outbound dry goods freighter. The Dresselian who helped them all escape was about to go his own way when Vakir asked that he be allowed to follow. At first, the Dresselian was negative, even threatening, but allowed Vakir to follow. After many years of invaluable help to each other, they decided to admit to their friendship.

Oro Memis

    Type: Dresselian Mercenary
    Blaster 5D, blaster: hold-out blaster 6D, brawling parry, dodge 5D, firearms 5D, melee combat 5D, melee party 5D
    Languages: Nikto 4D
    Gambling 6D, hide 5D, sneak 4D+1
    Brawling 4D+1
    Force Points: 1
    Character Points: 8
    Move: 10
    Equipment: Hold-out blaster (3D), sabacc deck
    Capsule: Oro had many misgivings when the Red Nikto he helped escape asked to join him. After all, he hated other beings. Completely. He was a loner, and wanted it to stay that way. Vakir, however, was insistent. The two fought in broken Basic for three hours before Oro finally went to a cantina in disgust.
    His elders insisted he go and find the Rebel Alliance, in order to learn better fighting techniques from them, then he was supposed to return and help fight the Imperials in guerilla warfare. Oro was to meet his contact in the cantina. Unfortunately when he arrived he found himself in the middle of a blaster fight. The Nikto jumped forward and knocked out one being who was about to level his blaster on Oro. After the fight, Oro found his contact dead in a corner.
    With no way to continue his mission, he finally agreed to let Vakir join up with him, for one mission only, to get enough money to go away.
    Several hundred missions later, Oro finally had to agree that what started out as a barely tolerable relationship was now a firm union. They still have their moments, however, as they are both very independent.


    Type: MerenData RM-2020 Espionage Droid
    Blaster 4D, dodge 6D, melee combat 3D+1

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