Starting Over
voluntarily, and she called the heat down on them, it
    could create problems that she didn’t need. “Shit, I know I’l be sorry for this, but she
    might need help.” She cut the engine and left the van in the narrow driveway between
    the road and the dumpsters. There was no way for the bikers to leave on their rides.
    She had to climb out of the back of the van due to the fence being on one side, and the
    building on the other with very little space on either side. Climbing over the top of the
    van was an experience she didn’t want to repeat. If her mission wasn’t so important,
    she would walk in the front doors and find out what was going on, but the building was
    dark. Maisey had her odd ways at times, but the woman was responsible. The alarm
    would be on, and the little bell that rang whenever the door was opened would
    announce that she was there.
    JK Publishing, Inc.
    Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Chapter Six
    The backdoor latch was broken, so she knew that whoever was inside hadn’t been
    invited in. She pulled the door open and almost knifed Maisey as the little woman was
    sliding out of the doorway. She almost knocked River over, and opened her mouth
    when she saw the wicked knife, but she put her hand on River’s chest and gave her a
    push. The women hopped the concrete barriers that Darnell had put in after they’d
    found the last poisoned biker by his dumpsters. They ran a full block before they
    stopped for breath, and River reached for the cellphone in her back pocket.
    Maisey put her hand on the phone and shook her head. “No, not the cops, they’re
    Breed, cal War, he’l come and get them. They aren’t from around here, but we need to
    let the club take care of them.”
    River was pissed, but handed the phone over to her friend. “I don’t have any of
    their numbers, if you do go for it. They’re going to pay for the damages those bastards
    are doing, I heard the glass breaking.” She sat with her back to the old storage garage
    that they’d taken refuge behind and tried to calm her breathing down. She noticed that
    she still held her boot knife in her fist, and slid it back into the leather sheath inside the
    neck of her right boot.
    Maisey made her cal . “It’s me, uh Gummy. You know I’ve been working at the
    Double D right? Well, here, River can tell you.” She shoved the phone toward the
    woman that was giving her a dirty look. “Sorry, he sounds mad.”
    She took the phone and scowled at her little companion, and she didn’t wait for
    whoever was on the other end of the line to speak. “This is River over at the Double D,
    you have some brothers over here that broke into the place and are trashing it as we
    speak. You have twenty to get their asses out of there, and bring your checkbook,
    you’re gonna need it.” She hit the end cal icon and shook her head at Maisey.
    “Don’t ever let me hear you cal yourself that damn name again. You don’t have to
    kiss their asses or suck their dicks anymore. Fuck them. You told me you wanted out
    and that you had permission to go. You are a beautiful, strong woman, and don’t you
    forget it.” She took the woman by the shoulders and shook her a little.
    “Maisey, I’l be leaving in a few weeks, I’d planned to ask you if you wanted to come
    with me. You can start over if you want to and have a good life. I have a business and
    you’ll have a job if you decide to come with me. You told me that you wanted to feel
    free. You can do or be whatever you want. It’s up to you. I’m not your momma, or your
    actual boss. All I can promise you is that you don’t have to grovel to anyone again if
    you seriously want to change your life.”
    The women grew silent and listened to the roar of bikes coming their way. Maisey
    grinned at River. “I’ve never heard anyone speak to Race like that before, even
    Wolfman showed him and War respect to their faces. He’s gonna be madder than hell
    about the brothers trashing the bar, but he’l

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